Snuff, You should have talked to Mark about what the mechanic said. As for the price on your service can't help you there. Bear did mine himself right before he had his surgery done. He said there wasn't anything that needed to be done for that service that he couldn't do. Bear hasn't had to take his bike into EuroShop in long long time. But Mark never acted like it was a big deal on the trailer hitch he has or the car tire. But perhaps the car tire was put on after his last service.
I do know that EuroShop is better to deal with than Alamo in Boerne. Bear needed a new battery and called Alamo cause they are closer last Friday afternoon. They do not stock the batteries. Have to order them. Was going to charge Bear for the shipping to order it and he thought the cost of the battery itself was too high. And on top of that they wouldn't order it without money in advance. I told him to call Mark. Not only did Mark have the batteries in stock but he was considerably cheaper.
By the way who is working in the mechanic area now? We liked Trey and I can't remember the name of the mechanic that used to be there. He was funny to watch cause he was so particular about the way he did stuff. He kept a very clean shop. After he was finished with a tool he would clean it up and put it away right away.