I just picked up my Rock from the $360.81 20k service (what are the rest of you paying?) with no valve adjustment (not required on 20k). After getting over the sticker shock, the mechanic (very good man) points out that the owner made him write the comment on the bottom of the ticket (car tire on rear makaes motorcycle unsafe to ride)...wtf? I brought it in for a service, not his opinion of a tire that I did not consult him on, nor did he have anything to do with the installation. I have a mine to ask him, do you do this with every Darkside, or Worn out Metz? I'll probably just let it go...it's a no win/not worth pissing my local dealer off subject. I just needed to vent. Maybe he thinks he would be liable if he didn't warn me, just like my doc that I work for has to tell obese people that if you haul 1 ton of cargo in a 1/2 ton truck, it's probably not to good on it.
I will tell you this. Gunshots told me that his dealer, the before mentioned in another post of mine..... When he took the bike in for service, noted on the shop order that his bike had a car tire installed and it had a trailer hitch. Having said that, it's noted somewhere in the warranty (I can't remember where, if it's in the shop manual or in the warranty papers themselves) that if a trailer hitch is installed, it voids the warranty on the bike and renders Triumph not liable for any damages which I presume would be TDU or lower timimg sprocket or shift detent spring related. Now, if you have a car tire installed, I'm wondering if Triumph would also consider that a warranty invalidation and if it would absolve them from fixing a factory defect.
I will say that Gus, at Baxters, told me that if I had a trailer hitch, to remove it prior to taking the bike there. He said nothing about a car tire. I said I had no hitch installed and I had a Metz and that I rode the bike like the old fart I am.
I'll get it fixed, install a wrinkle wall slick and build an angle iron Class V receiver hitch for pulling my tandem axle traler..........
Your not obese, you just stopped growing to soon. I have the same problem. Your probably right, except it's the owner who's pissed. The mechanic said it tongue and check and added "I don't know why he made me write this. I have told the mechanic that I can get a Metz to my front door for not much more than $200, and he said they pay about $275. To which I said, y'all need to shop around.
p.s. according to the height and weight chart I should be about 7' tall.lol
Having taken the time to remove the tread to the steel belt and then drilling a hole in the defective tire to let out 1 bottle of slime and 2 large cans of Fix-a-Flat before my dealer removed the ill designed piece of crap, never buy another, Metzler. I said he wouldn't put on what I was going to put in it and he went through such a rant on going dark you would have thought his stock in Metzler went down 30 points. I would think that he was having a bad day as he later came and asked questions about it and knew the stock tire with longevity and holding air. I would certainly inquire as to getting a trailer as it affects the warranty but taking the hitch off before service seems prudent.
Don't know about the hitch, but I do know what my dealer told me 1 week before E.S. as I needed a new tire and figured I'd go dark. Dealer said "if I went to a car tire, I'd void my warrenty", so I got another metz. I figure next year, the warrentys up and I can put what I want on then. New generation predators, and Goodyear Eagle, for starters..
Now that I think about it, when I had my 10,000 mile done . . . D&D put the same comment on mine. "Owner has automotive tire installed". Nothing about the hitch though . . . I wonder if Triumph has said something to dealers because when I was talking to Dink about putting the darkside on he said that Triumph had brought it up last year at the dealers meeting and said it was a big No No.
We should have had a Triumph rep with us at RAAIII. Any doubt any of us had about the "dark side" was pretty much erased by watching our fellow dark side captains take the corners on the Pigs Trail.