20k mile service

Try a hand impact driver the vibration sometimes helps.Or a screw -out tool I have one by craftsman mdl#52154 ,other brands also make them.
@Camptc the first valve check is due at 20K, my 2014 didn't need any adjustment though. And liek was already posted, check the manual as there are many items there that need looked at. If you don't have a manual, check out @idk post, he has them to download in his signature line.

Something important that probably has not been done unless you specifically requested it is to moly lube the drive shaft splines. Some folks do it everytime they change the rear tire. If you haven't done it yet be sure it's done the next time that tire is changed. You should take your own moly to the mechanic so he won't use crap. A good moly paste is made by Honda.

Try tapping in a torx bit that's just a hair too big--it should give enough bite to loosen the bolt.
I'm in mid TN, so the closest two dealers are Castle Powersports and Pandora's European Motorsports in Madison and Chattanooga, respectively. Has anyone had dealings with either of these places? There's also Freedom Powersports in Huntsville, AL... I got a quote from Castle for the 20k mile service, and they seemed to think it would run between $550-$700. Is this reasonable? I know there's a lot involved, but god ****...

Castle does all of my work (I work close to the dealership but live in Kentucky) and have always treated me well in price and service.
That price is about the same as California shops...add a set of tires and you're at $1200. Ouch. If you Google triumph rocket service chart and your bikes year, you can get a PDF.
My 20k was $550.00 Not bad considering everything on the checklist. Its the other things they may find, In my case a leaking fork seal that soaked the front brake pads, freakin brake pads are really expensive for this bike.