2023 DGR - Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

I’ve always had a low PSA count right at 2 and then one day I had it tested and it was 13! But before the check up, I’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident where riding in the sierra, Nevada’s I totaled my Valkyrie interstate going down monitor pass, broke my wrist and it was a while after that that I had a PSA test and that’s when it’s back to 13 the doctor realize that I had been in an accident and told me to take a month and come back and get it tested and to my relief it dropped back down to 2. But that was spooky.
Sorry to hear about your accident.. but AWESOME on the PSA re-test... :cool:
Having recently returned back from a year working overseas, I've been pretty busy helping my Bride of 37 years turn our new house into a home and preparing for a visit from three of our grandchildren (turning the spare rooms into bedrooms vice store rooms). Somehow I thought this years DGR was last month and missed it... but it turns out it's this Sunday the 21st. I'm looking at going but haven't fully committed yet. I may try and get my father-in-law, who rides a classic Triumph, to join me. We'll see... Anyone else doing this ride in your local area? Anyone from Tucson, AZ riding the DGR this Sunday? Last one I did was in Las Vegas quite some time ago and it was a GOOD TIME!
I'm riding in Austin.....