20226 or 20050 Opinions?

warp 9.9 so are you running that tune 20050 and if you only did the cat bypass and TORS what would you tweak to make it better I again it is still pulling at 6300 RPMS and wants to keep going but I drive daily so the MPG it use to was great and when I want to play was good too. the snappy at slow speed and low gear was nice. so just pick people brains
the only reson I do not run the 20050 tune is because the base map I used to run the 9000 rpm map was different some of the original numbers are still there I just made timing and aid fuel changes along with th eL table changes do to running high boost from the supercharger I forst utilized the 1 bar map sensor but shut it off usinf the F to L switch over table because my boost pressure excedes the 1 bar mpa sensor and I di not want to thro a error code. Persona;;y I have not seen any difference betyween the two maps except for when they came out. ANything different would or could be over rid by tune edit not so much the csame from tune ecu as it just copies what is ibn the particular ecu the map was copied from. So basically the tune ecu maps can be different or at least if not copied from a original triumph map the will very. Or as I say you get what you pay for!!!
besides the 20226 oem map I couldnt tell you knbaudio. I do have some seat time on the dyno tommarrow, im gonna run it as is, then unhook the power commander and put in the 20050DynoFinalMap_WithPods_And_IgnRetard map in it and run it and see what differance it makes.

You don't need to disconnect the pciii if you can load a zero map into it. Do you know what's in it? It could be screwing up your 20226 and definitely the 20050 tors with triple filters tune. I tried that tune twice over 8 years and never thought it ran well. However, if you can find a tuner for your pciii, that pod tune would be a good base map for you. That pod tune is for unifilters, not k&ns.
Got on the dyno today, they wouldnt let me play around with the maps, as it is for a Shoot-out competition. 140/141 at the wheel, and its lean in between 1500-2800rpms.

You don't need to disconnect the pciii if you can load a zero map into it. Do you know what's in it? It could be screwing up your 20226 and definitely the 20050 tors with triple filters tune. I tried that tune twice over 8 years and never thought it ran well. However, if you can find a tuner for your pciii, that pod tune would be a good base map for you. That pod tune is for unifilters, not k&ns.

loading a zero map in it is the same in my opinion as disconnecting it, if i can make the same or more with the factory ecu Ill rip off the PCIII and someone will have a nice Ebay purchase.

The tuner there knows his hardleys and PC's but is willing to learn with me on the TuneECU. I think he is getting bored with all the abundance of hardleys i couldnt get him to stop asking quesitons about the bike.:p:whitstling::)
Got on the dyno today, they wouldnt let me play around with the maps, as it is for a Shoot-out competition. 140/141 at the wheel, and its lean in between 1500-2800rpms.

loading a zero map in it is the same in my opinion as disconnecting it, if i can make the same or more with the factory ecu Ill rip off the PCIII and someone will have a nice Ebay purchase.

The tuner there knows his hardleys and PC's but is willing to learn with me on the TuneECU. I think he is getting bored with all the abundance of hardleys i couldnt get him to stop asking quesitons about the bike.:p:whitstling::)

The only reason to leave the pcIII in is if you're going to use it in the future. The 20050 decel tune (TORs/cat bypass) from Wayne MacDonald at Tuneboy is unrestricted throughout. I had my 2005 dynoed at about 140/150. The lost of torque using the restricted 20226 at 3000 rpm was 12-13 ft lb. The peak HP was nearly the same, because 20226 is not restricted above 5000 in 4th, where the bike was dynoed.
chevmech 1969 was that the 20226 map or the 20050 map
I currently have the 20226 map in my bike. When I finish setting caught up with the house and the weather cooperates I'll Dyno the map warp 9.9 sent me. As they didn't let me to do it last week
no, no update. the snowy weather and the holidays kind of took priority. itll probubly be march before i get back on the dyno.