Just another data point here; I went on a long group ride last Sunday (4/2/23) here in Northern California USA, which included some badly maintained roads with lots of bumps, and on the way home, I too noticed my headlight(s) flickering on my 2020 Rocket 3 R.
When the flickering started, I noticed that when my headlight(s) was flickering, I saw from time to time some strange things happening on my display where there was some sort of swipe in the lower part of the screen which was quickly followed by what I believe was an orange warning icon that came on then went off very quickly, and this happened a bunch of times while I was riding on the freeway.
I haven't looked into this problem yet. Thanks for the suggestions from the brain trust!
Well by golly, tightening the battery connections worked for me, headlight flickering is gone, and all is well in Rocket Land!
Thank you'all for the tips. This group is the best!!
My headlights were flickering also but checking terminals and battery did not improve the condition. My TFT failed to the point the bike would not start. I had it replaced and the headlight problem is gone. It is possible some of these problems are a result of the TFT not functioning properly.
Every time mine leaves the dealership I have to retighten the battery terminals due to some alarm. I carry wrenches in the small tool kit under the seat just for the battery terminals. The first indication is usually a turn signal malfunction/flicker.
My headlights were flickering also but checking terminals and battery did not improve the condition. My TFT failed to the point the bike would not start. I had it replaced and the headlight problem is gone. It is possible some of these problems are a result of the TFT not functioning properly.
that tft is really really complicated small computer running in our bike, they put a big car instrument cluster inside of that.
not so good part is, that rocket instrument is Ultrasonic welded, you must cut with dremel to open it, and once you cut it you cant put it back. Even if you put it back then you will have problem of condensation in the cluster and it may die eventually because of moisture short circuit. Most parts going bad inside that cluster are not even 10cents from Taiwan semiconductor manufacturer. if you can open it and can ultrasonic weld it back or find a way to epoxy(?)
If you ever remove cluster from handle, you will see a humidity/moisture port on the back of it made by some German or USA manufacturer.