2019 RAA West

Not much chance of getting it shipped over for a week or so. Get a hired one and have the 'Michael' taken...gotta bed done!!
Don't do that. Once you decide for sure you are going to make the trip we can have a private message about the details. We'll help you out and get you well done. Then we will plan a trip to England

Spare bike, and we can put a CT on it!

Mexican has also offered a ride for you. He is in Tulsa, Ok. As far as weather, we have to wait and see. It could be in the 80s or in the 50s or less, clear of rainy. Last time Steel and I rode to Leakey through a cold front. Neither of us was dressed for it. I froze my arse off. You will need a Mesh jacket, gloves and rain gear. Carrying a helmet is a hastle. We have plenty of old stinky helmets unless your skull is XXl. Give us more details about what you expect from your trip. It's very far out so there is time to sort everything out.
You could also try and rent a bike in San Antonio or here in Houston. Probably the Harley dealers do that. Fly there, pick up the bike and find us.
Big Cruisers 4 Me
Head count as of late March 2019

1olbull - 2 motors - 2 peeps
WyldChild - 2 motors - 2 peeps
rainman & stb maybe
Grumpy Old Codger...!!!
EasTexRIII + 1 (if the twins don’t prevent)
Wilson" - 2 motors - people
From my understanding they are ok. Theresa came home late last night, so apparently her parents are capable of taking care of themselves at this point

Possibly going to Six Flags San Antonio tomorrow. Most likely only be able to get out and ride for a few hours Sunday

That is good news. Gota take care of the old folks. Sunday would be fine. Going to try the Pilot 5 on.