Karen,Frog(Andre)(my grandson,me flying the 31st at 3 pm.going to spend a week on Lime Lake 50th wedding anniversary for my uncle parties at rod and gun club in Friendship.Plan on seeing Niagra falls/darien lake/Eden corn festival other days more than likely seeing family first time back home in 13 years brothers,sisters all got plans for me since I"m the black sheep I will more than likely hide so dinner sounds great flying out the 31st at 630 am
That's the new oilfield with much better technology than we had when I started in 84. Wells that would have taken 3 months are done in less than 3 weeks. Long laterals and the norm now.
Rio Frio front desk just calling to see if we are going to use the 3 cabins they had reserved for us. I'm just passing this on. If you plan to come ride RAA west with us, there are still three cabins up for reservation at the Pecan Farm.
That's the new oilfield with much better technology than we had when I started in 84. Wells that would have taken 3 months are done in less than 3 weeks. Long laterals and the norm now.
with the same old school vulgar drunk oilfield trash doing the work 12 hours on 12 hours off 2 hour drive there 2 hour drive back home good thing we have caller ID you can answer the calls you want ignore the tool pusher other drillers looking for hands