For American beer in general some say it’s made by our horses...might have been true for Schlitz.
GOC, you may experience a cultural thing here, there are some who when asked their favorite beer, the standard answer is “cold beer” by the case. In the ice chest you’ll likely find Miller, Coors, Busch or whatever was on sale. Lot of these guys will dismiss talking about or drinking imports and craft beers.
That’s the crowd I grew up in, I’m always willing to try something new, Lot of those guys aren’t.
Regardless, while you are here you got to try Lone Star and Pearl if your going to be in Texas, it may be a state law you have to, I’m not sure.
Best beer I ever tasted- Coors from the tasting room at the brewery in Golden, it’s not the same stuff we can buy off the shelf, I don’t care what they say.
What I buy when I’m shopping for myself- Stella
When I’m filling a community ice chest- PBR