2019 RAA West

Interested! We live in Louisiana. Where do we get more info?
You really do not want to attend this. The food served is very spicy and the only the only way they know how to cook is by barbecue. Then there is always a group sitting around a fire pit at night being loud and obnoxious and drinking. During the day they ride roads which are dangerous and full of turns and twisty. Not much fun at all The place that it is held at is OK but has way to many deer's hanging around which create a hazard. Can't wait to head off for this event again.
................. The food served is very spicy and the only the only way they know how to cook is by barbecue. Then there is always a group sitting around a fire pit at night being loud and obnoxious and drinking. ...............

.................During the day they ride roads which are dangerous and full of turns and twisty...............


This is the last updated list. If you are not on it, get with it. Copy & paste and add you name. We have house 22 full.
Mad Dog and Unicorn have a reserved cabin. There are only three cabins left. If you reserve and have to cancel, you have to do that by August 5th or loose your deposit. There is a wedding event the same weekend. They had reserved the whole place! The bride and mother offered four cabins to share with our gathering. They would like to know as soon as possible if we are going to occupy the cabins. If you are planning to come, please make your reservations ASAP. Thank You!

Steel 2 motors 2 peeps
1olbull - 2 motors - 2 peeps
WyldChild - 2 motors - 2 peeps
rainman & stb maybe
Grumpy Old Codger...!!! (GOC)
EasTexRIII + 1 (if the twins don’t prevent)
Wilson" - 2 motors - people
40mmrrsmith - 1 motor - 2 peeps
Mad Dog + UnicornRider

Ok guys,
Just made our reservation and put in for the days off. Will and I are in cabin 17. I understand it has 2 queen size beds. We can double up and share a bed if space gets short.

Each cabin also has a couch that folds out into a bed
So here is what I got this evening, she told me cabin 17, this says cabin 2/2 ...sigh.

Frio Pecan Farm
PO Box 425
Leakey, TX 78873
Phone: 830 232 5294

Apr 22, 2019

John Brown

Thank you for your reservation at Frio Pecan Farm. We have you scheduled to be checking in on Oct 10, 2019 and checking out on Oct 14, 2019 in Park Facilities, Cabin 2/2. Your reservation # is 201901030.

Thank you for your payment/deposit(s) totaling $280.90. The balance due on this reservation is $280.90.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at your earliest convenience or contact us by email at pecans@hctc.net. We look forward to seeing you.

Frio Pecan Farm

Special Comments:
Your deposit will be forfeited if you:

1. Cancel any reservation less than 60 days prior to arrival date.

2. Check out prior to end of reserved period.

3. "No Show" by 8 am the following morning after the arrival date.

There is a $10.00 cancellation/rebook fee per cabin.

The Frio Pecan Farm does not allow pets.