Did you think for a minute. Gonna give it my best to let the man feel welcome. Gave him fare warning. We really need to let the folks in Leaky to supply a toilet Plunger for our room. Last time that was a real drag to flush and have it go no where. Just keeping it real.
Hel& we might get along. . Am listening to " ain't going down to the sun comes up by Garth Brooks. Drunk off my as3. Been a good day still upright. How did that jerk get in the boat. Bet you two dollars to a doughnut he gets sea sick. The devil will ride TEXAS. With a grin.
Speaking of which. WyldCHF I have no hard feelings. Matter of fact would be the first to offer you a beer. Let it ride. Kind of get the feeling you do not care much for me but that is OK. A Lot of folks have said they don't care much for me and avoid me like the Plaque. Peace offering. Word of advice. You may be a big boy but am really one mean Son Of a *****. Do not be confused. Making a peace offering and would love nothing more than to get along and enjoy the ride. Just saying.
No way Ricardo"s room is right by the pit. Way to much noise for those that turn in early. Might just pick up a plunger along the way. Better safe than sorry.
We meet in Leakey, Texas October 10th, at the Frio Pecan Farm - Frio Pecan Farm - Frio River Lodging, Pecans
Ride organizer is our own Rick @1K9.
For clarity purposes this shall be the definitive thread for this event, so let's start officially signing up:
Sonny, YOU is Da Man!! Once again, the generosity and kindness of the members of this forum has shone through. I am indeed, indebted to you all. Roll on October..