2019 RAA West

We are dropping out as we are selling our house and going to be building our dream home this summer and fall...
Dreams are made and some are built. Even at best the by far the best memoirs I have are riding with good folks. These are the memoirs you carry to your grave but before than then you tell your grandchildren and in some cases when you start to get grey hairs you talk Shi% to your great grand children about how you rode with the best of the best. That is what life is about. Prefer to ride got a nice back pourch and front porch. Along with about 25 acres. Good **** but would and still do prefer to ride and make memoirs. Dreams and builds come and go but memoirs when your smiling on your death bed priceless. Lets ride folks.
Great news day. Going to the store to hunker down in front of the TV for the next few days.

If you are not on this list and you should be Copy and Paste and add you name!

Steel 2 motors 2 peeps
1olbull - 2 motors - 2 peeps
WyldChild - 2 motors - 2 peeps
rainman & stb maybe
Grumpy Old Codger...!!!
EasTexRIII + 1 (if the twins don’t prevent)
Wilson" - 2 motors - people
40mmrrsmith - 1 motor - 2 peeps
Mad Dog

GOC this is the last Brit we have seen since the George Washington Days

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Hel& we might get along. . Am listening to " ain't going down to the sun comes up by Garth Brooks. Drunk off my as3. Been a good day still upright. How did that jerk get in the boat. Bet you two dollars to a doughnut he gets sea sick. The devil will ride TEXAS. With a grin.
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Removing myself from the list again. If I come and no cabins are open I'll stay at a nearby accommodation.

Rick, I am thinking of riding over to Austin tomorrow (Thursday), Motomummy is having a big MotoGP in-store only sale. Probably leave my place around 10:30-11:00 if I go.
I45 S > 99 > 290 W to Austin/Round Rock. About 2.5 hours each way. Let me know if you want to come along.
Flights booked and paid for BUT room not booked! They won't reply to mails or phone call.

Leave a message - she (Shelly, I think) was good about calling me back.
Also Note that calling long-ass international numbers is not familiar with most of us 'mericans.
Leave a message - she (Shelly, I think) was good about calling me back.
Also Note that calling long-ass international numbers is not familiar with most of us 'mericans.
He is rooming with yours truly. No one can say the British are shy or smart. It is my honor to sponsor one from the other side of the pond.
He is rooming with yours truly. No one can say the British are shy or smart. It is my honor to sponsor one from the other side of the pond.

You DA-MAN, Amigo!!!
Way to step up!
Kewl! - We'll have a Limey in da house #22 international!
Did you think for a minute. Gonna give it my best to let the man feel welcome. Gave him fare warning. We really need to let the folks in Leaky to supply a toilet Plunger for our room. Last time that was a real drag to flush and have it go no where. Just keeping it real.