2019 RAA West

Come on, there has to be a story behind that.

Ha ha, no just trying to be funny.

Instead of putting the belt in my pack I stuck it under my rain suit bungied on the back and headed to Leakey.

Went to put my pants on the next day and no belt.

We rode back across the same route and I swore I saw it in the road but we were flying at 75 and I didn’t want to turn around and mess up the ride.

I bought a new one at Wallyworld today.
Well friends, It ain't gonna happen for me - Life is dealing several rounds of cruel blows right now. I hate to miss seeing ya'll, especially for after ride meals & refreshment - Don't really give a rats azz about the riding part right now
Hope to see ya'll soon
Rediculous ride into the shop to get a new front tire. 40mph gusts, rain, etc don't even get on the bikes guys