2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Just would like to say, @HansO has been a wonderful guest. I am proud and honored to have enjoyed his company.
If most of you Aussies are as courteous and kind as he, I would love to ride with most of you mates.
We are Aussies mate Most of us are even more courteous and kind than Hanso unless you try to sell us a book and we don't eat as much cake.
I was in Perth once and met some Aussies...they are some of the best people one can be lucky enough to meet. Great pics BTW! Looks like a fantastic time being had by all.
Sorry I have not posted much but am on limited amount of data with my US SIM card and been using that mainly to keep in touch with Ann thru Viber, the Internet at the motel is very skeshy to say the least, the Guys and Gal here have spoilt me rotten and have been introduced to some interesting cuisines, the roads are fantastic with plenty of on camber curves, and instead of watching out for Roo's in early morning or evening and night here they have Deer' that like to come out of nowhere any time of day, but are a bit more predictable then Roo's, the major highways (are as expected 'boring) but we avoid them as much as possible, I am really looking forward to meeting Joesy and doing the Tail of the Dragon
QU'OTE="ski, post: 318917, member: 5029"]Twins....sorta. [/QUOTE]

I just wanted to tell everyone that we had a great time: my brother, my cousin and my brother in law, who had a pretty bad crash yesterday in Eureka Springs. Sam's Goldwing was totaled as was the half ton pickup he ran into. He broke a Co toe on his left foot, a two inch laceration above his right thumb needed stitches, a large bruise and raspberry on his right hip. the worst thing was that he had a kidney stone break loose that he finally passed today. Other than all that he's really in pretty good shape and getting around pretty well.
I would really like to comend Mike, aka Ski, for without his help this would have been a much worse ordeal. Mike offered to use his van, while towing his motorcycle, to transport Sam back to Enid, Oklahoma.

Thank you so much, Mike!