2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Sounds like a plan to me
made it home safe an sound guys.
Had a BLAST seeing old friends and making new ones...
Would have stayed longer, but was missin' my wife,
and she was stayin' home doin' all the chores by herself.
(I gotta have a long hard talk with the son an son-in-laws......)
Anyway, had a great time, jus' wanted ya'll to know I made it.
Ya'll ride safe,
Bailed out early this morning, made it home by 330. Mowed the yard, did my laundry and now it is time to make supper for the wife when she gets home in 45 minutes. it was great meeting and greeting everyone, putting names and faces together is good. Great time, must do this again.
Nice to meet you Mike