2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Just watched reports of flooding in Dallas!!!
Sure hope you don't get caught up in this AWEFULL weather.
Report said SEVERE tornado warnings in Little Rock area.

Haven't seen a tornado.

But we were getting 70 mph winds. Knocked down my dog kennel a couple of fence panels.

Just watched reports of flooding in Dallas!!!
Sure hope you don't get caught up in this AWEFULL weather.
Report said SEVERE tornado warnings in Little Rock area.
Hopefully the weather will be all cleared up in the next 17 hours as that when I am due to touch down in Dallas then 1hour50 min later I take of to Houston
Can't wait to hear your accent!
Don't come through here too well!!!

We arrive The Hub on Friday. When you?
So now you're gonna bash sufferers of sleep apnea!?!?!???
'Spose now I be a Fat Hose Head???
Feeling guilty?

See you Thursday - what time is din din?
I'll call you after we get into Enid on Thursday.
Yes you be FAT what time you want din din FAT HOSE HEAD
Anyone needing a room at the HUB call them now. I have to cancel the trip

Hub 870-743-4062
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Hate to hear that Anthony hopefully see you next time
@64Herald So sorry to hear this.
And another one bites the dust!

Updated List (4/19/15)
1olbull - Tacoma, WA - 5 peeps & 5 motors
Rocket Scientist - Spring Lake, MI - 3 peeps & 2 motors (if Paul wants to come)
rainman & stb - TN - 2 peoples 2 bikes Plus Mason Jars
Warp9.9 - Forest City, Il - 1 person 1 bike
Rockethead - Lockport, IL. - 1 on 1
Mexican - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Nolton - Florien, La. - 2 peeps & ? 2 motors
idk(67) - Baltimore, MD - 1 with 1 bike
TO Rocket - Georgina, Ontario - 2 peeps, 1 bike
Boog - Dumfries, VA - 1 souls, 1 bike (Tenative if Jihadist come out in spring)
Ski - Milwaukee Wi. - 1 Polock, 1 Power Cruiser.
mully95 - Anderson, SC - 1 bike 1 person
Steel - Swamp in LA - 1 & 1, just booked my room.
\\\STRIPES/// and queenseat (MB) - Denton TX - 3 people 2 bikes, 1 trike
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet - Houston, TX - 2 peeps & 2 bikes (probably bring Titanic)
Wildwilley - DSM, IA - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Oscar - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Lonzol - Van Buren, AR - 2 people & 2 bikes
Speedy - Wausau, Wi - 2 peep, 1 motor
RanDom - Chipmunk - Moreno Valley, CA - 1 peep, 1 moto (young lady with balls )
Cycletherapy - Grand Rapids, MI - 8 motors & 8 Peeps!!!
Teraeric - Orlando, FL - 1 peep, 1 motor
R3T-Too - Ft Worth, TX - 2 peeps & 1 motor
Mike - Marion, Iowa - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocketeer - Powder Springs, Ga - 1peep & 1 motor

27 members and 50 Peeps So Far!