2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Hey Hanso I bet you got that idea from all the Hot cross Easter Buns you made as a Baker

Oui!!! ... Ken ..... Wash your mouth out .... I still have nightmares of the good ol day's (70's) when we were doing 18 hour days for three to four weeks leading up to Easter and hand pipping the cross mix on a couple of thousand of the little bastids each day .... used to go home and everything you looked at seemed to have a cross on it
The Treasurer of our snowmobile club has a,shop that does all kinds of embroidery work. Her shop has some of the most up to date equipment. She uses quality Gildan t shirts and ships to individual addresses worldwide on group orders.
Yeah I could get them embroidered here to but you would be looking at a design set up cost then $30 per shirt for the Embroidery on top of the shirts cost which would start at about $18, from memory set up was $50 ten year ago so that would have gone up ...... say you did 30 shirts they would cost about $50!!!!!
So now you see why whenever Fred comes up with a new shirt design we Aussies jump on it as even with shipping it is still less than half of buying here

Now the price just went up
No No No Pleeeaaassseee no, anything but not that we have enough of that here in Auss, when Auss dollar value went up did we see any importers drop prices ... not on your nellie, most are greedy Cu#ts
Seee?? you give too much info
Can you please add my info to the list

64herald with Kooler (peep) 1 rocket, 1 Hardly we have a room at the Hub.............Thanks
Dont forget to bring those cool and scary stories, my wife loves listening to you and your brother
Who makes the best motorcycle chock for (Yuk), trailering? I may try to come if I find a place and can bring myself to trailer. Have a nice new enclosed snowmobile trailer that could fit a couple Rockets if need be.