2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

Habe you gone up the mountain through Jerome, an old mining town? Scared the ctap out of me the first time I did it. No guardrail and a LONG way down

Love that route , I usually ride it on my Aprilia , think I will run the Rocket up there this weekend
Habe you gone up the mountain through Jerome, an old mining town? Scared the ctap out of me the first time I did it. No guardrail and a LONG way down

Jerome is an exciting place to ride a rocket. I don't think there is one square foot of that town that is level

We rode up through Jerome yesterday.... Awesome little town
The cop asks the Mexican for his green card,which he produces without incident. He then asks the Australian for his passport, which he too produces without incident. He goes to the american with the skull on his bike and after talking to him for a few minutes he asks him for his release from the psych ward, which he can't produce so they send him in for a 72/hour evaluation because clearly he's farking nuts.