2015 RAA 10 Details and headcount

For those who are into numbers, I log every mile traveled, just how my brain works...

RAAX Trip report

3012 Miles
62.4mph moving avg
44.8mpg avg fuel consumption
48hr 20min of saddle time
67.2gal of fuel used
$167.28 fuel cost
88 lbs of gear/clothes
Roughly 1800 miles of highway and 1200 miles of back roads and twisties...
4 free steak dinners, 2 bags of crackling, 3 hang-overs, to many deserts and a bunch of great friends...

I did a stretch in Indiana where I traveled 102miles in 58minutes... to get my overall avg back into the 60's...
Triumph was well represented in Maggie which surprised me a bit. We met this rider on his Carpenter and carbon fiber Rocket from Kingsport, Tn. at the Country Vittles

That would be be! Thanks for posting a pic of my bike Josey! It was great to meet you and the other Triumph riders. I have been away from this forum for quite some time, but you reminded me that I should get back in here and socialize!
Hopefully I will see some of you soon!
8 bikes & riders back to the mitten state Sunday afternoon with no issues. Thanks for giving us a destination with some great riding, good people & great place to stay. Logged about 2500 miles, no idea on fuel or alcohol & beer consumption [my usual drink counter didn't want to go]. Did get sent to a nice leather shop & knife store and learned quite a bit from the people we talked with at the Hub. I personally enjoyed being somewhere that there wasn't 187 Harleys & me. Thanks again to this forum and the people that keep it going, informative, entertaining & interesting.
Great meeting you and your riding buddies
Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome sucking on the wolf's tit. (ancient Roman mythology)

Bet Cindy was very impressed with your shot through the bush (two birds with one stone!)
Still on the road. I have always promised to take Nurse Ratchet on a romantic getaway to Rome so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone in Rome...Georgia.

She looks....sweet.

And like she is ready to kick your arse!