when i rebuilt a 69 chey chevelle for my son i put a small tac weld on the carb so the 4 barrels would not open. (restricting it) so he would not kill his self.
now it is the same with triumph they close the secondary's so as to limit power. sort of like adjusting the cable so u do not get wot.
now if u fix the plates to go wide open then u can open the throttle wot or just as much as u can stand
it sounds like u do not like to turn in the higher rpms which is ok but i set my secondary's to open wide above 3500 and u can definitely fell the difference. when i am hauling a$$ i am always above 3500.
now when u start changing maps (do not do this if u still have the cats/mufflers) that is usually when u start losing mileage.
now this is just a basic info so i would take my time an figure the pros and cons and there r a lot of them.