2014 R3r Wind Shield With Mounting Hardware

After still getting buffeting with the Triumph windshield on my 2013 RIIIR I ordered a windshield from Clearview (http://www.clearviewshields.com/mot...h/rocket-iii-roadster-brackets-5-holesacross/) with upper recurve, vent, 2 inches taller and wider than the original shield.

I am 5'9" with a 31" inseam and I am 100% satisfied with this windshield. I look over it, the top of the screen is about where my mouth is and there is zero buffeting. Very little wind noise and I often forget to put my visor down even at high speeds and cold temperatures.

The vent definitively helps reducing the wind noise.

To my surprise even my hands get quite a bit of protection from the screen.

Same boat here, I couldn't find a way to purchase just the windscreen hardware so I could order the clear view so I too spent $600 on the triumph screen and front end fixing kit. At least my dealer was kind enough to give me a one time 15% discount on any assessories when I purchased my R3R. I'm just curious on the buffeting.... I pick up my ride on Monday.:) So I have no experience with the Rocket as of yet.
Buy the Brackets and then go for a Clearview shield.
Severall sises.
Triumph Motorcycle Windshields & Windscreens | Clearview Shields

Good luck,

You need the fixing kit that mounts the windshield to the forks and you also need the windshield frame. The only way I know of to get the windshield frame is to buy the whole thing from Triumph. I have the Clearview windshield and like it a lot better than the triumph shield. With Clearview all you get is the replacement Plexiglas. However it is much better designed than the one from Triumph.

I am 6'1" with a 30" inseam, short legs. I went with the 25" shield, 2" wider and the upper recurve with an added vent. absolutely love it. A lot less buffeting and the vent is nice on a hot day. An added feature is that you can use rain-x or just about anything on their windshield.

Look on E-bay for a complete windshield, you might find one. If you have to go back to Triumph, get the windshield with the five holes pattern instead of the one with three.
I picked up a used windshield on eBay and when it came in already had the clear view on it but it was scratched from an accident. Plan to replace it soon with a new one. Paid $160 for it