2014- Matt White

In all honesty I would like it if there were a a ghosting of a silver metallic flames over a nice pearlescent white so you would only make out the flames when the light hit it the right way and the pearl in the white would need to be a gold or yellow pearl in the white gloss with a heap of clear coats over it all to give it depth
If you ever make it to the states bring your bike i'll turn you on to a friend of mine who's the best painter in the country. He aint cheap but his work is unbelieveable
. He could do all that for you and then some..;)

Inspirational Shop Tour from Dave Perewitz at His Shop - YouTube

Amazing Skull Paint Job by Dave Perewitz - YouTube
Would like to see a mat white Beast. Not digging my mat black, though. Still considering paint for mine. Don't need any more skulls. Got one and it suffices. So far.

We trudge on.
Would like to see the Matt white, certainly different. Not into skulls or skeleton hands etc.
Triumph should release a Matt red so hanso and Richard don't feel left out:D
Would like to see the Matt white, certainly different. Not into skulls or skeleton hands etc.
Triumph should release a Matt red so hanso and Richard don't feel left out:D
funny you mention that I have a set of skeleton hand mirrors coming for my bike, and not that I am into Skulls but Gothlanders Skull horn cover looks Cool :cool:
Would like to see a mat white Beast. Not digging my mat black, though. Still considering paint for mine. Don't need any more skulls. Got one and it suffices. So far.

We trudge on.

There you go , all the motivation you ever need has been found by Mitch .. reckon a Roadster would look even better than the silver engined models. You can be the trend-setter Dan .... imagine how much of a spring that would put in your step :D Happy New Year mate.
Fishin for a bite mate:p...... they are not biting to bad ever!!:D:D ...was going to fish for Mitch but it was too obivious he would be more wary of my bait I was offering:rolleyes:

Bullsiit ... you've got a skull fetish . Nothing to be ashamed about mate.. lots of people are into some really weird stuff these days .. just be yourself and damm the world and what they think !!!!:D