2013 Roadster crossover question

Take a look at some of my posts on the touring exhaust crossover. We eventually determined that the touring and roadster crossover were the same, right down to the manufacturing stamp on them. I posted a pic of the stock crossover showing the internals. Basically it is a hollow box with three pipes. I does not direct the exhaust flow and my only guess is triumph uses it for a resonator box, because it does quiet the exhaust tone. My D&D pipes were noticeably louder after I fabbed my own crossover pipe,,,,,but it also (as my last dyno session proved) produced a lot more free-flowing exhaust and more power.

Didn't you just say that it didn't direct the exhaust flow. If it doesn't how does it restrict the flow?
What I he is trying to say is that like the early model empty cat box it has baffles which stop and bounce the exhaust gases around before exiting out to the mufflers it is like a resonator box but it is restrictive.
Best is either fab your own as mr button did or buy the Staintune one
yeh, ditto on that....

What I he is trying to say is that like the early model empty cat box it has baffles which stop and bounce the exhaust gases around before exiting out to the mufflers it is like a resonator box but it is restrictive.
Best is either fab your own as mr button did or buy the Staintune one

There are lots of pics posted by me and several others showing the box and the crossover so that you can see the internals. The Staintune crossover is CRAZY money,,no way I would pay what they want for that hunk of pipe. If you or someone close is handy with a mig or tig welder you can certainly save yourself some coin.

sorry about the late reply,,,my internet was down