2012 R3R with stock exhaust


Sr. Pastor, iLive Church
Jul 6, 2012
Scottsville, KY
2012 R3R
Okay, I've verified my cable (twice), downloaded the latest Tuneecu software, drivers downloaded and used, and a test map downloaded for me to look at before I actually plug into my bike.

All I'm wanting to do is to unrestrict my first three gears and be done. No other mods at this time. WOW, this is a lot more difficult to follow then I thought. Still playing around trying to figure it out and research it.

Planning to possibly make the trip down the road to Wayne's when I do the intake mod but until then want to unrestrict it.
I didn't even attempt to connect to the bike yet. Just trying to understand the interface first.

On the secondaries... is 100% open or 100% closed?

Even in 4th and 5th gears they aren't fully open/closed at all rpms.

Trying to make sure I don't do something stupid!
Another suggestion is to concentrate first on establishing the connection to your bike. It's not hard but it can be frustrating if something isn't right. As a tip, make sure that you pull the headlight/starter fuse until such time as when you need to start the bike.

With the key on and you have confirmed that you are connected, the very first thing to do is to extract and save the current tune from your ECU. Give it an appropriate file name like my_stock_tune or similar. This is your baseline. Note: when downloading the tune (or is it uploading?) to your laptop, it may take a while (10-15 minutes). Later when you upload the new tune, it is much, much faster.
Thanks for the info and PM's. I'm hoping to have a go at it this weekend. I'm going to hook a car battery up to it to ensure it doesn't drop below 12.5 volts.

So, even though the maps I have downloaded and look at doesn't have the secondaries opened to 100% at all throttle settings that is your suggestions?

Also, what do I "copy" from 4th / 5th gear to the 1-3 gears to derestrict them?