
Standard Bore
Oct 8, 2010
Shakopee, MN
Got rid of the Yamaha 1300 tourer for a brand new 2011 R3T Blk/Wht about a month ago. Liked the Yamaha and have owned several, but love the R3T. Lots more power and easier to ride.
I have read several threads on the forums and learned a lot about upgrading the bike for sound and performance, but haven't made any decisions yet. Just broke the bike in last week and I have to put it away already. No good riding up here in MN in November (slushy snow coming soon).
I ordered a Paddock stand from Flipmeister for storage. Paddock stand is great. I had to drill the lug holes in the frame to fit the stand....easy. I use a 40" breaker bar which makes it easy to manuver into place with wife on bike for balance or empty.
I can't wait til spring.:)
I ride with a Harley guy who debated over the T-bird or Harley for several weeks. He decided on Harley, but now when we ride I catch him staring at my bike. I think he really wanted the Triumph.:D
Tell your buddy the Triumph sucks and he should definitely stick with Harley.

We don't want everybody and their brother riding Triumphs. ;)
Make sure they replace the valve cover gasket during that 10k service ... LOL

Glad you like the bike, this is the place to research the stuff you wanna do to it in the spring. Lots of "Been-there-done-that", and guys willing to help.
Hard to believe a Southern boy like me knows where Shakopee is, but I do. I was electrical super on a power house in Cannon Falls a few years back. You guys need to get an indoor track or put a ski on the front and a spiked knobby on the rear. Then you could use it to tow your ice fishing shanty out onto the lake:D. I don't think that I could own the Rocket and live there full time. I did tell the locals that do live there that you folks are some of the toughest in the USA and you have walleye at restaurants. Good stuff eh? Look forward to spring and you're a LOT closer to Sturgis than the rest of us;).

Even down under we are aware of - but can't fully comprehend - the Minessota climate. I guess you guys do a little bit more for winter than zip in the linings and revert to a full face for a couple of months. Choosing to avoid the rain is one thing but I couldn't cope with having an enforced layoff through winter. Tough all round. Welcome to the site.
Thanks for all the "Welcomes", it's a great site.

Hellfire, I read about the gasket problem. I can't believe a mechanic would re-use that gasket. Obviously it should have been replaced when serviced. Did they really save $ in the long run, what's a gasket cost..$20? I hope they cover it for you.

CanberraR3 and snuffcityrider, Today was great, 55 and sunny....dang, I didn't get out....too much work. But in a few weeks we will have snow and below zero temps(that's farenheit not celcius), time to bring out the sled....skis....snowshoes....shovels......:eek:...ah crap I wanna move south. I should visit the sister in Midland this time of year. And yes OzzmanR3, I do like to drink beer in a shed on a frozen lake otherwise known as Ice fishing.:)
Welcome to the site from Molino, FL and Afghanistan. Just don't do a Tim the Toolman Taylor on the ice inside the shack when ice fishing (just watched that episode with my 2 Kenyans and 2 Indians that work for me over here...they about died laughing).

Sorry to hear about the "enforced" layup...hopefully your winter will pass quickly and you can ride again and I will be buying my new Triumphs in March.


42 dtg Dubai
43 dtg London

140 dtg Dubai
141 dtg Home (Triumphs buying time)
Thanks for all the "Welcomes", it's a great site.

Hellfire, I read about the gasket problem. I can't believe a mechanic would re-use that gasket. Obviously it should have been replaced when serviced. Did they really save $ in the long run, what's a gasket cost..$20? I hope they cover it for you.
Just goes to show how powerful a group of fanatics can be ... too bad the dealership owners don't subscribe to the site. Their business just goes down. ha. ;)
If you don't find R3 information you can use here, you can't find it anywhere. :)
Good to have ya.