2009 HOAME Vintage Bike Show


Living Legend
Feb 25, 2006
I made it down to the 2009 HOAME (Heart of America Motorcycle Enthusiasts) Vintage bike show this afternoon. It was held at the old Downtown Airport (Wheeler Airport) in Kansas City. It took place in a hanger that also houses a Vintage prop driven commercial airplane museum. Lots of cool old planes and some awesome displays of old radial airplane motors.

They have an airworthy Connie that you can go through...

Follow this link to my photo album and you can see more of the pictures I took today:

Link Removed

You can click on these pics twice to get them to display in full size and see some amazing detail.
Of course, there were plenty of bikes there.

Here is a real nice one:

See, just about anyone can wrap their exhausts......
..............anyone can wrap their exhaust........:eek:

I think of a friends old, very ratty Kawasaki Nomad with wrapped headers (factory) and the wrap is ratty too. There is something immediately ancient about wrapping headers on a bike......

The one in the picture with the fire extingusher fuel tank looks to be an early Yamaha 650 B engine. People bugger anything up.:D