For Sale 2006 Triumph Rocket III, Classic $5000

I had hoped to get more out of her also. However, just looking around the market is very soft, bikes, that don't need the TLC, mine does only going for $6k, even $5500. Plus, for service you have to go to OKC. There's a dealer in Tulsa, but I wouldn't take my kids bicycle to them. I'm pretty sure they can do A+B=C, but their diagnostic skills SUCK!
But, hey, I get the second job, and we'll just keep her! With Christmas season upon us, there's a few ways a guy can make a little extra.
Thats probably a fair price considering new owner will need to put tires on and 41,000 miles is pretty high for average cruiser's just check used harleys most of them have less than 10,000 miles no matter what year. My bike has footpegs(til I swapped them for rivco's) and I've been told it's a classic ? Mine has crash bars and leather saddlebags tho'. SHZAM cool plate
Yes Fred has a good eye it is a 06 standard they came in 06 with the solid color tins, pegs and you have the standard two tone guages. The Classic gauges were solid black not silver on the bottom. It does have a 07 to 09 Classic seat as in 06 Triumph had not came out with the drivers backrest. 07 was the first year with the bung hole in the seat for the backrest. It looks like it has the standard bars as the pull back bars were introduced in 07 also. That and as Fred stated Classic's had floor boards and two toned paint. All in All I think its a fair price. Has it had the update kit put in it? Hopefully you can find some extra cash to buy the kid a laptop as you still have more then 60,000 miles to put on her before she is broke in Properly:D
My 06 Classic has pull back bars. That was one of the "Classic" features.

Selling the Rocket to buy a computer is tough. I hope some other means opens up for you.
My 06 Classic has pull back bars. That was one of the "Classic" features.

Selling the Rocket to buy a computer is tough. I hope some other means opens up for you.
Ian they did not mke the Classic pull back bars in 06 unless the late modle 06 units got them when they were already working on 07's Take a measurement acroos the width of the handle bar weights and I will compare it to mine which I bought in 07. I also have a pair of 05 and the 06 that came off my Classic and Gary's 05 which are identical and wider then the pull back bars.
Mine had the pull back bars from the beginning, "for a more relaxed ride", according to the advertising at the time. I also have a standard bar hanging up on the shed wall, and it is definitely different. However, I will measure them if you want.
Thats probably a fair price considering new owner will need to put tires on and 41,000 miles is pretty high for average cruiser's just check used harleys most of them have less than 10,000 miles no matter what year. My bike has footpegs(til I swapped them for rivco's) and I've been told it's a classic ? Mine has crash bars and leather saddlebags tho'. SHZAM cool plate

if it didnt come in two tone and with floor boards it isnt a classic plain and simple apart from that and the pull back bars they are the same bike
I'm the 2nd owner and when I went to the parts dept at the triumph dlr I bought the bike at they ran the serial # to find out what it was and it came back a classic? She's gloss black, gauges are all black, two piece seat, backrest with luggage rack, front and rear crash bars, leather saddlebags(without shiny stripes). it looks like my neighbors 04-05 classic? I don't doubt what your telling me Mitch, in fact i'll take your word and everyone else on this forum all things rocket b4 the dealers, There was a classic limited also idk
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I remember seeing Dealer gussie up 05 during the 06-07 years to make them look like Classic Tourers which came with all the bells and wistles. they would install floor board kits the Triumph bags, Windshield, sissybars and luggage racks to sell them. Just like anyone who bought one could have this stuff installed in the purchase. I am not sure but I imagine they could contct Triumph and have it listed as a Classic Tourer model for the warranty issued. Sounds doable to me.

Either way Mitch is right there is no real difference except for the goodies. I often thought the Tourer models which came with silver engines was Triumphs way of using the older engines or at least older engine blocks up before switching to all black engines. The only real way to tell would be to get a look at the oil sump pans, Timing chain guide (on the tensioner side) and inner clutch actuators to verify if they were older complete engines or just older engine blocks with the newer internal changes installed. Other then that the engine internals have not really changed much over the years. I am told the newer ones shift smoother but that could be changes in the clearances and tolerances of the shifter drum and components. Just like they made the change in the second gear cluster pack and a few shims, and belville washers like when they came out with the update kit.

Just some of my ideas coming from working on three engines (05,06,07) and looking at what people working on their engines over the years have noticed. I am by no means a expert just have some basic knowledge!!!!!
you're selling it too cheap..ask at least 6 or can always go down on price..and to call that bike a rat bike is just has a few character flaws.
Agreed !!!!!