2006 Tranny?

There have been several tranny replacements here on this forum, myself included. I saw the gears that came out and the gears that went back in......big difference. The new style are a lot more "industrially" designed. Unless the bike has had the factory upgrade, I'd be skeptical. Then of course, I shift rather aggressively.
WTF 2005 16000 MILES 2006 20000MILES why do some dumb****s buy a bike and not ride it:confused::confused::confused:

if everyone rode as much as we do than the pool of used low mileage bikes would dwindle, so why not be tolerant of the knucklefutz that wants to buy a bike and put low mileage on it. I sure don't mind "that guy" as he saves me 7-8k every time I buy one of those "low mileage used bikes". I would like to send a personal thanks out to all new bike riders that don't ride much !!!!!
I have an 08 standard, and I had the Trans upgrade kit installed,
but it was still under warranty.

Major Symptom was popping out of second gear right after a hard 1-2 upshift under full throttle.

Bikes up to a certain VIN # were/are eligible for the kit,
and my 08 was near the end of the VIN series
so an 06 would qualify.

If you ride hard, test ride it and do a fast, hard 1-2 shift.
Buyer beware.
You might want to look elsewhere....it's truly a crap-shoot. Be prepared to sink a few grand into the tranny if you get one of the bad ones...unless you are a mechanic and don't mind doing the work yourself. Triumph will not do anything for you even though they know they have put out defective units.

I wouldn't wish my bad experiences on anyone...
Very good point, okay why do DS with ONLY ONE single bike put so few miles on it:D
Had two bikes myself for a while but the poor old VTX was not getting the enjoyment of my arse on it so I sold it.:eek:

..ok, seeing as how you put that little smiley icon in your post, I guess that takes some of the sting out of being called a dumb ass......dumb ass..:D..so as to carry on with your hijacking of this serious thread about why so few miles on some older bikes, I'll venture it's because not everyone lives in Fla?...not everyone cares about riding like it's an obsession..but probably because not everyone's as cool as you..:p...btw, still loving my VTX..now get back to work..
I have found an 06 I am ready to purchase. I mechanic tells me the trannies in that year were commonly replaced by Triumph. Can any testify to this issue? Should I be concerned that an 06 with 16,000 miles might have a tranny getting ready to fail?

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normally with that many miles on the bike the problems would have been already appear you can hear it and feel it chances are if you have no grinding or bad vibrations you have a good one