Ya'll are to much. A bike is only as good as the one taking care of it. I know you can stilll have the problems but if its taken care of you will have a lot less. You will hear good and bad things about them all if you look hard enough for it and everyone has there own opinions about them all. Your opinions are helpful and more than I thought I would get. Im getting the Rocket for the look,power,torque and all that was said on here.
Well, I HAVE been out riding for the past week; so, I be late to this thread. I'm responding anyway since I believe you asked about a VN2000 (V2K) or a Rocket (R3R). I own both. Both because they are SO different and cool in their own right.
V-Twins are fun to ride - period. The V2K is the monster of V-Twins. Comfy, relatively fast and if you want a ride similar, yet better than a Harley on steroids, the V2K is a good choice. When pushed to its max in curves EVERYTHING drags, frame included and it is somewhat unsettling. The R3R has WAY more power, handles much better (no frame dragging so far) and is smoother and quieter. Powering out of a tight curve is AWESOME. For me, the R3R is not nearly as comfy as the V2K.
I happen to be an immature 66 year old what still enjoys an occasional testosterone road rumble (my *****is bigger than yours).

With the R3R I am able to completely laugh off V-Twins in straights and twisties. Having enough power and just enough lean angle to now and then grease an inferior sport bike pilot generally induces a non Viagra induced chubby.
I only have 7K miles on my R3R in three months of ownership and over 80K on my V2K since 04. I would say that so far the R3R has been less problematic and in my neck of the woods, Triumph dealerships are closer and more plentiful (3 to 1).
All considered - IMHO, go for the Rocket!