2003 Vulcan vs 2012 R3R

a guy I know here in town rides a Bonneville.
He loves his Bonneville.
We went riding after i put my new pipes on.
I wanted to hear what she sounded like,
so we swapped bikes.
He fell in lust with the Triclops..
Said the power was addicting.
I just smiled an said, yea, she's a fun ride.
So my advice is, try it, you'll like it..:eek::D;)
The R3 handles very well. But-she's a big girl and depends a LOT on the pilot knowing how to tell her what to do. The bike will reward you with better than expected moves providing you have the proper skill and give her the correct instruction at the correct time.

In the hands of a skilled pilot she'll really fly. Get it wrong and it's a big effort to correct.

AS most things in life, it's always the rider and never the bike.
I owned a1500 Vulcan nomad, before the rocket111t there's no comparison the Vulcan was slow and Handled like a lumber truck.the rocket is fast and nimble and keeps that smile on your face all day,try it you'll love it.(bring your checkbook) ........sandman
As others have pointed out, the R3 will out handle the Vulcan, hands down. But, are we really talking cruisers and handling?

When it comes to handling the Rocket, the Vulcan, and other cruisers have a great personality. :cool:
I currently own a R3 Classic, and love the bike. Prior to purchasing the Rocket, I owned a Vulcan 1600 Classic which to this day is the best (and favorite) bike I've owned. Why? Primarily due to the comfort and dependability of the Vulcan. Had it for almost 7 years...never in the shop once or left me stranded. As well...was the most comfortable bike I have ever ridden.

As of late I have been considering selling the R3 and getting a Vulcan 2000. The main reason is that I am tired of dealing with minor issues (or what should be minor issues) that are not covered by Triumph, but should be. Just spend some time on the forum and you'll see recurring problems that just don't seem to go away, and that only some Rocket owners have success with getting Triumph to cover the repairs. Plus, there are so few Triumph dealers around that should you have a problem on the road...good luck finding a dealer...or finding one that has parts in stock. Not the same with the Kawi...dealers everywhere.

Additionally, I like to customize my bikes..and there is little you can do with a Rocket. There are multitudes of things I can do with the Vulcan to make it "my own".

Again, not asking for any flaming commentary back at me. I love the Triumph, but am not a die-hard fanatic. Yes...the power is great, but I'm not one of "those" riders who need to get from HERE to THERE in 2.9 seconds.

Like another member stated...ride both, then make the decision. Only you can decide which you like better. Best of luck.
Jeez. Sell it then. First you say it's not about the performance and then you tell him to ride one. Don't know what some people expect from a piece of machinery. Buy a rock; they need no maintenance and nothing goes wrong with them plus they won't get you from A - B in 2.9 seconds.
Jeez. Sell it then. First you say it's not about the performance and then you tell him to ride one. Don't know what some people expect from a piece of machinery. Buy a rock; they need no maintenance and nothing goes wrong with them plus they won't get you from A - B in 2.9 seconds.

Hey Canberra...I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. If you read my post again, I did not bash the bike....I actually said I like the bike very much. My inference was to the very common recurring issues that are well documented on this very forum and that I myself have experienced...and received ZERO support or assistance from mother Triumph. This is a fact.

That Triumph dealers are few and far between (and seem to be dropping regularly based on comments on this forum) compared to more mainstream makes is also a fact.

I told him that yes...I like the power of the R3, but it does not make me a hypocrite to also say that it's not all about the power for me personally. There ae many things that attracted me to this bike other than the power.

I also told him that my experience with the Vulcan was a very positive one. And it was. Fact.

The dude asked for opinions, and I gave him mine. That does nnot make me a traitor, turncoat, or hypocrite for saying there is another bike or bikes out there that I have very positive opinions about. And there's a problem with me telling him to ride both bikes to make his decision???... I was just agreeing with the comments of another member in this exact thread. Sounded like good common sense advice to me.

In your own words ... JEEZ.