Can you tell me what the passenger floorboards are in the photo? Did you have to get any special adaptors to have them fit the R3? My missus is all of a fluster wanting more footspace to rest on, so I'm going to have to fit something soon. Thanks!
Hey Mark
There Revco Very nice but also ridiculously expensive. You also need the floor boards and extensions. She will really like them!
I find that most, if not all, R3 buyers want the touring accessories. But if you accessorize your bike, don't expect to get much more for it when you sell. The smart buyer leaves it bone stock (I guess that makes all of us dumb), but it's true.
Hey Mark
There Revco
Very nice but also ridiculously expensive. You also need the floor boards and extensions. She will really like them!
I paid $1,100.00 for mine.....primed, ready-for-paint???? two years ago.
I like them very, very much BUT!!!!...2 grand per set now a days?????.
Not sure I like them that much........a tough decision.
Can't deny the very distinctive looks. I think Corbin did a Good Job.
They leak in torrential rains......I know!!!....that's how I ride......torrential rain.
This is all I have to say.
I paid $1700 last year..already painted gloss black. Mine do not leak, even in a downpour. I don't like riding in the rain (who does??) but it poured on us last summer when we were about 45 minutes from home. It rained the ENTIRE trip home, but the stuff inside my boxes was dry. I complained about the price as well (IT IS ROBBERY) but they do look great and function well!!