2.5L Rocket Stroker Engine Kit with 6 Speed Transmission (R&D)

I'll have to look when I take the engine apart again, but I have a feeling it could be done without splitting the cases. Engine would probably need to come out of the frame... access is pretty tight back by that case.

As far as making the gears, it depends on a lot of factors. There are a few rapid prototyping places that will cut gears if you provide a drawing, or will help design for a fee. It gets cheaper the more you do, but I imagine this would be a pretty limited run. Design plays a roll as well... I would probably just do a straight cut spur gear for my purposes: I don't care about gear noise, and removing some of the thrust loading that helical gears induces would probably be a benefit at big power levels. After having them cut, they would have to be case hardened as well. Most people wont fire up a furnace for less than 500$, so you'd have to do enough to spread the cost around if you wanted it to be affordable. As a really, really rough guestimate: for a run of 20 simple, straight cut gears (10 sets) I'd guess around 250-300 per gear. Double that for just a one off pair, provided you did all the design & leg work yourself. It'll start getting ugly if you have to have someone design it for you, or add mark-up if you plan on making a profit to resell.
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Closer to Turbo's design? Not really. Closer to giving the RIII longer legs? Yes. I guess it depends on what you really want. If overall longer gearing is what you're after, the torsion gears would be 20X more cost effective. If you want an extra, independent gear ratio, his design is the only way it's going to happen. There are -a lot- of specific pieces that need to be manufactured for that, and not easy to manufacture as well. I have no doubt that at a run of five 6 speed kits would cost more than a new R3. Each. You would have to make 100 kits to bring it into the kind of price range people would consider, especially when you factor in a the labor to install (and how little money most of us have in this economy).
I could tool up to make Turbo's parts, but the money Vs time equation gets ugly too. Assuming I did them in my "spare time" so that I could give them away at cost, it would take me the better part of a year to be able to afford to make maybe one kit. If I charge enough to make it quickly, the cost would all come up front at once... and would likely not be much cheaper than farming it out. It's the old Manufacturing Triangle: Cheap, Quality, Fast... pick 2. Since low quality isn't even an option, yer stuck with one or the other.
well its been 5 years what the cookbook say dawg?