2.5L Rocket Stroker Engine Kit with 6 Speed Transmission (R&D)

Thanks to all for your support
Especially @Joesmoe and @Paul Bryant you guys were behind me 100% from the start

Now let's get this design made from billet metal and get road testing

Footnote: the 2.5L crank is practically ready, just needs a balance with rod & piston, but the rod order was delayed.. be a few more weeks,,,
Arto, you are doing what I do, but at a higher level
It's awesome to watch your development, there are very few people with the skills, and the inclination to do this.

Remember, I spent ten years in Research and Development engineering, so I do know what it takes to get what we see here.
And that is ...... a lot of hours, re-designs, stuff ups ! improvements on original idea's and just plain tenacity !