2.5 using oil

checked my oil yesterday and was surprised to find the level hadn't dropped after a lot of riding last weekend. Will keep monitoring it but I think unless the EXACT same procedure and timings for ticking over and settling etc are followed every time the level will vary and mislead you.

I get this to a certain extent with my KTM which is also dry sump but it seems the Rocket is super-fussy. It helps that the KTM has a sight glass rather than a dip stick as it allows you to see where the oil is at all times and get to know how it changes in different states of use and temperatures.
With the Rocket you get one shot at checking the level and then you have to wait till it's cold again. I'm going to ask the dealer about the gear sensor O rings when it goes in for its service though.
Leaking again- so much for the HF fix. I guess I'll head over to pick up the Triumph o-rings that finally came in.
That seems like an odd place for an "0" ring to leak. When you replaced it did the mating surface appear damaged/dirty or the "0" rings pinched? I wonder if your crankcase is pressurizing? How do the new Rockets vent the crankcase????
If you never check the oil you won’t be worried about losing a little? Obviously I’m just being obtuse.
I have a confession to make...........I rarely do check the oil level on many of my ICE powered vehicles/machinery.......unless i'm aware of an issue.
I just make sure I don't miss the service intervals.
I do check oil level both during and shortly after servicing. That makes sense of course.

That said, i'm not a thrasher of engines......generally, i'm a fairly sensitive user......light on the brakes & throttle etc... fast but progressive is how I would describe it.
Due to ambient temperature in the UK tending not to be that high in relative terms I can imagine this also helps regarding engine oil temperature in relation to oil usage.

I'm I wrong to use this way of thinking?

When I do check oil levels, they appear fine pretty much every time, so over the years perhaps I got lazy.
That seems like an odd place for an "0" ring to leak. When you replaced it did the mating surface appear damaged/dirty or the "0" rings pinched? I wonder if your crankcase is pressurizing? How do the new Rockets vent the crankcase????

You're reading my mind about the pressurizing. I had all of this off some time ago and don't recall, but plan to have another look at that pipe to see if there's anything obviously wrong, like a kink. Here's all I can find in the manual...

I would say that #3 is not the vent and is similar to the old pvc systems sucking out the gases of the crank case into the intake. although can be bad but not probable
there should be a vent some where else to get the air into/out of the system. if this was plugged then the system would be drawing a vacuum.
the gear sensor may be bad letting the oil go through the sensor instead of the orings.
hth herman
#3 looks fine. I'm not sure of another vent anywhere.

The o-rings go "after" the sensor. On the closure, or cap, which tells me that the sensor is allowed to flow some oil and the rings are what stop it from exiting, but maybe you're saying the sensor is letting too much oil get past and "overwhelming" the o-rings.

The stock ones are definitely hard and should be slightly bigger in my opinion. I just put one of the two identical stock rings back in next to a new HF one. Hoping to get by the Triumph dealership this week for two more stock ones.

I got this bike used and doubt it was broken in properly, so rings may not have set right- although I've never seen smoke from the back. But, if rings maybe that would be putting the crankcase under pressure which is driving oil past the o-rings?
how many groves (on gear sensor) are there one or two
if there is one grove and you are using two orings that may be the problem
i was referring to the sensor leaking through the sensor and out the connector wires part.
can you check pressure or suction out the oil cap?
There are no groves and it takes two o-rings back to back- sign of poor design, I think.

I'm not able to test pressure at the oil cap, unfortunately.



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i am thinking that maybe it only takes one and they sale them in 2 per package?
i would guess that you install the oring first and then the sensor so not to clip the oring.