Found out my bike has been leaking oil. It's always "used oil" and I wonder if this could be where it's been going all along- seems likely. It's coming from the gear position sensor and is slow enough that it never drips beneath the bike and may only happen when the bike is running. If so, the oil is running along the crankcase where it is air blown and cooked off.
Occasionally, I would detect the smell of oil, but could never find it. Finally, I laid down under the bike and noticed an oily section on the crankcase. I removed the cover for the starter (above the shifter) and thoroughly cleaned up the entire area. Waited a while and there was no sign of a leak, but after letting it run a couple of minutes I quickly found the culprit.
It takes two o-rings and hoping NAPA might have them, but probably not. They're $1.03/each from Triumph (T3600267) and hopefully in stock. Just glad it wasn't the seal on the torsional damper, which would be a whole different deal
If you're mysteriously losing oil you might want to have a look....