16ºF and No Can Start, Gotta Ride to Work, Battery Recommendations?

Have you thought about leaving a lamp / light on in the shed close to the motor as they produce some heat even something like a 75 watt bulb will give off enough heat to help.
Have you thought about leaving a lamp / light on in the shed close to the motor as they produce some heat even something like a 75 watt bulb will give off enough heat to help.

Well, sometimes the simplest solutions are the best ones. No, I hadn't thought of that, but that might just work. It's cheap, safe, and I'm definitely going to give it a try. Thanks.
Update: She fired right up when I got home with a green light on the trickle charger. It was 39F. I think the battery is still good, but I'd still like to hear what brand/model battery you folks recommend. I'll just tuck it away in my notes.
Interesting idea. I'd like to know if anyone else has done this before I tried it though. Thanks

I have installed thousands of feet of heat trace in chemical/refinery’s plants with no issues and that outside exposed to chemicals and weather. I think you’ll be fine!!
I had an '09 in sunny CA, and would ride all year. Stored outside, in the winter I'd put a space heater on the headers for ~5 min to warm the block, it would start just fine after that. I am in the Bay Area and it'd get down in high 20's at the coldest.
I’ve had good results putting an electric radiant heater near my 116 Indian bid bore kit bike. It is hard to start when it gets cold even in the garage. All bike are on tenders when not riding at least weekly.
The trick is to stop the battery freezing - as soon as ANY ice crystals form - plan a new battery.

REALLY - Insulate the shed. And you'll be surprised how well even a 60W bulb keeps things warm.

Also Google Flower Pot Heaters. Use a bulb rather than tea lights.

Thankfully I seldom have COLD issues here so have moved to Lithium - but as that chemistry can be a bit fussy in the cold - I also carry a Lithium booster pack on trips which sleeps indoors.