140 CI Oil Tank Emblisher

1obull - I've got one if you are still wanting to shell out $200 for it! wow - never imagined.

Thanks, but I'll pass, Amigo.
Like I said before I was screwing around, never having done the bidding thing before.
Twas actually glad that I didn't have to shell out SO MUCH $$$ for something that has no difference on my motor's performance.
Perhaps you too should do the E-Bay thingy . . . ?
I went up to $200 just for $hits & giggles then got entranced in the US Open.
Just learned I was out bid.
Cool Beans as I was feeling a little stupid for bidding so much on a dumb worthless trinket anyway.
Whomever you are - THANKS! :roll:

If I wanted something like that and it was made from unobtanium (as these are) I wouldn't worry about paying a lot for it. They really do look great and are well made. Worth $200? Intrinsically, no way. Worth it for the look and because I'd want it? Of course. In the overall scheme of things, it's not a lot of money. I've had mine on the bike for near on 5 years. If I'd paid $200 for it, it would be costing me about 1/10c a day. Big deal.
I saw it was already at over $80 and bailed, but then again... I just spent $100 on 8 ****ed bolts from Joker Machine to pretty up my shocks and the mounting bolts for my pannier guards. So sometimes you buy stuff just because you get the bug to. Nobody will ever notice that my bike has a chromed clutch actuator except me, and I'll be highly surprised if anyone realizes I've splurged on decorative bolts as well, some things you just do because you want to and because it gives you some satisfaction.
You blokes are actually correct since this actually boils down to a "want for your toy" value, which we all know is usually NOT necessary, but makes us feel better. :thumbsup:
I thought the "140 plate" would be unique on my Roadster and was therefor mildly interested. Apparently my interest in that little piece of bling had a maximum value of $200. :eek: :D