
Living Legend
Aug 17, 2009
Florien, Louisiana
2009 black standard
Where is it in the manual? I just wanted to read the before and after on it.
Had a hell of a time searching posts about it.
I guess I need to do the tune. I have installed the TORS exhaust so this would qualify as new part which has different characteristics to the old part.

"Adaptive changes can become necessary because of
changing rider behavior, changes in the region in
which the bike is operated (Le. operation at high
altitude where it was previously used at sea level) or
because a new part may have been fitted which has
slightly different characteristics to the old part."

I didn't know this.

Thanks for the info Nolton and ICTRocket
Start your bike without touching the throttle.
Let it idle till the fan comes on.
Let it run a full 15 minutes.
The manuel says 12, but what if you only got part of a minute the first minute,
and part of a minute the last minute.
I let it idle for 15 after the fan kicks in just to be safe.
I'm fairly new to the Rocket, but don't think it would hurt. I did one last week and was really impressed with how well it ran afterwards. As Skip said, let it run a little longer, it won't hurt anything.

From my limited experience, it is important to start from a cold engine, as the manual states. I had tried one from a warm engine, and it didn't do anything (then I re-read the manual). The first time I tried I had ridden around a bit, came home let it set 30 minutes, and then tried. The fan came on after a few minutes since it was hot already, but no noticeable change in performance. From cold it took about 8 minutes for the fan to come on. I let it run another 14 - 15 minutes and noticed a big difference.
altitude changes is the only reason I can think of.
If you moved to upper Denver say, from death valley,
you might want to,
if you were just passing through the mountains you wouldn't need to..
Skip, do you think temperature changes would benefit from a 12-min tune? Right now we're in 100 + degree heat, so the air is less dense than during cooler temps. Pretty much the same thing as an elevation change.
Any reason to ever do one on a bike with no mods?

I have no mods and the bike just didnt want to idle right on a cold start. After it warmed up the idle was fine. Figured I would try it out .
Ran great today. Just might have to do this once or twice a year, just because.:D