If i remember correctly 60 and 40 is 100... using front brake lever only.. Using front, and back will still only give you 100%. The problem without having ABS
on a bike especially as big as this one, is most riders will tend to lock the rear brake in a panic stop and start a skid.. ABS prevents that AND applies both brakes at the same time
for the best stopping distance for even inexperienced riders.. Some older sport bikes (read ****** rocket) will do an unintended stoppy with a handful of front brake.
ABS prevents that too. I'm 75, and just dont have the perfect reaction time anymore in a panic stop situation, so i keep the ABS on all the time and two fingers on the
front brake lever all the time.... The front tire has two discs that are larger than the back because it does most of the stopping power.
But manual states using front lever only involves a "slight amount of rear brake". Doesn't sound like 40% to me.
Also states most effective braking is using both. Doesn't that mean better stopping ability, shorter distance to stop?
Not that i'm aware off. ABS only makes sure that there is no lockup while braking, linked brakes or combined brakes will engage both brakes. The ratio is normally 60 front /40 rear. However depending on the system those linked brakes will do that only when using the front other systems will also do that when using the rear. Nop idea how it is with the new R3

The 2500 R3 is full time ABS unless you turn it off. Only the front brake is linked.. Rear is seperate .. If u do front and rear on a linked system it bypasses the link system.
I have yet to use my back brake only to stop. Probably only condition i would use only the back brake would be on gravel or rain slick pavement ..

ABS also wont allow you to do a burnout.
ABS and linked brakes are two seperate systems as u mentioned.. The new Rocket has both..
If u panic brake the rear brake, it will chatter but it wont skid. Strange feeling.
But manual states using front lever only involves a "slight amount of rear brake". Doesn't sound like 40% to me.
Also states most effective braking is using both. Doesn't that mean better stopping ability, shorter distance to stop?
On ABS if you hit the front and rear brake hard it's 60 front 40 rear. If you only applied the front brake it will 'still' be 60/40 (from what I understand but I may be wrong on linked brakes/ABS as some are different). On non ABS bikes I was told by various instructors it's 30% rear stopping and 70% front. I feel the 60/40 was safer for the general public that may have low skill levels and that's why Triumph does it that way. The only time I used the rear brake by itself (no ABS) was slow work under 10 mph, if I needed to scrub speed in a turn or even coming out of a turn and cone work with tight U turns. With ABS you never learn the skill of independent braking because it is in fact a skill to continually stop in a marked distance as fast as possible using front and rear to near lock up but not attaining said lock up. With ABS you just grab and hope you stop but as I said that's okay as my skills are not near as sharp as when I was younger. I do wish I still had the skills to go without ABS because as stated you 'can' stop in a shorter distance but now I would probably go a** over tea kettle. Cheers!
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Seems like everyone has an opinion so heres mine
Under regular braking it is 60 40.
Under extreme braking hard front and hard back front brake will apply until the front tire starts to slide then abs will stop the tire from sliding same with rear tire. With rear applied that will put more pressure on front and less on rear
So wheather its 80 20 or 70 30 that depends on the type of tires and the amount or air pressure u have
Now the ones that have air in the rear cylinder probably has 65 0.
Just my opinion.
Seems like everyone has an opinion so heres mine
Under regular braking it is 60 40.
Under extreme braking hard front and hard back front brake will apply until the front tire starts to slide then abs will stop the tire from sliding same with rear tire. With rear applied that will put more pressure on front and less on rear
So wheather its 80 20 or 70 30 that depends on the type of tires and the amount or air pressure u have
Now the ones that have air in the rear cylinder probably has 65 0.
Just my opinion.
The 60/40 comes from the portioning valve, and is bypassed when using only the front brake. During the winter overlay somehow that valve
developed an air pocket and first ride of spring the rear brake was gone.. Front brake worked fine, but could tell there was less braking until i bled
the rear brake to get the air out.. Easy job bleeding it with a small hand bleed pump. Quite a bit of air came out. Its been good all summer so far with rear brake
being nice and hard. Wont know till next spring if the bleed is permanent. When doing my first service i noticed the "O" ring gasket was missing under the air filter box.
Guess they didnt put one on at the factory during the build. Triumph sent one to me free when i called their shop.. They said they see that a lot during servicing.
Seems like everyone has an opinion so heres mine
Under regular braking it is 60 40.
Under extreme braking hard front and hard back front brake will apply until the front tire starts to slide then abs will stop the tire from sliding same with rear tire. With rear applied that will put more pressure on front and less on rear
So wheather its 80 20 or 70 30 that depends on the type of tires and the amount or air pressure u have
Now the ones that have air in the rear cylinder probably has 65 0.
Just my opinion.
I still after all this don't know if you use both lever AND pedal when braking.
Some have said just using lever is fine, manual, as I pointed out repeatedly, says otherwise. Just curious.
I would always use both front and rear brake as it's a good habit. If you ride another bike without ABS you won't have any bad habits to worry about. Heavy/mod front and feather the rear is what I have and will always do in a non emergency slowing with any motorcycle I ride with or without ABS. It just seems weird to me to just use the front brake but that's just me. If you do use only the front brake all of the time don't ride a bike without ABS. You will go over the handlebars.