Our octane levels are not the same as UK Chris...their 93 is about the same as our 91...I use 95 when I can mostly the lower stuff...the bike will run nice on the 93. Leave the high octane and save your coin...and yes, you do need a dyno tune to ensure she's not running lean and to get smooth power like Mike did.
What are the thoughts on the leaded gas. 90 octane and old style is used on small engines. I seem to see it in the upper peninsula too. I've ran the Rocket on it up north, but not consistently.
What are the thoughts on the leaded gas. 90 octane and old style is used on small engines. I seem to see it in the upper peninsula too. I've ran the Rocket on it up north, but not consistently.
Leaded gas hasn't been legal for road use in over 20 years in the US. Do you mean Aviation Gas? I believe that still has lead in it, but it's around 100 octane. Wouldn't be good for a Rocket.
What are the thoughts on the leaded gas. 90 octane and old style is used on small engines. I seem to see it in the upper peninsula too. I've ran the Rocket on it up north, but not consistently.
My experience of shoving 100octane in vehicles that don't need it is a rather woolly but smooth running block. Less get up and go unless it is retuned. The fuel takes longer to burn.
A mate in the Fuel business tells me that the calorific value of 100 is also lower - so you need more. That I have no way to test or refute.
My E-Type would pink occasionally on 98 so I'd beg, steal, borrow 100 when it was being awkward. That had a low compression, high-ish pressure block.
Leded gas (if you can actually find it or use a ledded aditive) will likely fowel out your fuel system and confuse the computer. The high octain will increase the carbon deposits in your exhaust. Since the engine isn’t high compression and it isn’t designed for the higher octane, the combustion won’t be complete.
I can only speak of my experience here in Australia. I always tell folk to run 98 in there R3. Premium. Search this topic and you will see why again and again. I occasionally put 100 in my car and it runs clean , just like it does on 98. I can only give the facts I have found through my research and testing. Here our std fuel is very dirty and poor, we call it cats pi$$. It is ok for washing parts. Is the 100 you are going to try ethanol mixed? We have United 100 here which is 10% ethanol and R3's run fine on it.
Our octane levels are not the same as UK Chris...their 93 is about the same as our 91...I use 95 when I can mostly the lower stuff...the bike will run nice on the 93. Leave the high octane and save your coin...and yes, you do need a dyno tune to ensure she's not running lean and to get smooth power like Mike did.
I second that Tal, still amazed how much better the bike runs, sounds and uses less fuel! (even tho on the map i still seem to be somewhere off the african coast! lol.)