
  1. For Sale Rocket III roadster windshield kit with all chrome mounting factory triumph

    Good condition with all chrome mounting. Installed new corbin fairing and won't need this one. $195 Plus shipping from IA
  2. Georgia dawg


    Dont think I've gotten Enough part. Any body put one on.some body got a pic factory shield
  3. cadconversions

    For Sale or TRADE Cee Bailey's Tinted windshield, hardware, and fixing kit

    This is the larger Cee Bailey's windshield in light tint (I can barely tell it but it's there). Includes the stock Triumph brackets and a front end fixing kit. I'll clean the bugs off but this is just how it was when it came off the bike. I had enjoyed being behind the windshield during the...
  4. Jeff Cameron

    What windshield is this?

    Saw this windshield on a Rocket site.....anybody know the brand/model or have some experience with it. I thought it looked interesting.
  5. roadster windshield brackets

    Anyone have a source for just the brackets for a roadster? Triumph sells a "kit" but according to clearview it doesn't have all the necessary parts to mount their windshield. Thanks
  6. JoseyR3Wales

    Windshield Alternative From MadStad Engineering I just ordered one of these in dark grey for the Storm. Spoke with the owner and they will fit the Rocket III but they supply larger clamps for the forks and the dimensions for the headlights is slightly different but they have measured for that and adjust accordingly...
  7. USMC-R3

    For Sale R3 Summer Windshield

    R3 Summer Windshield for sale - $150 plus shipping
  8. Tall Clearview windshield w/Vent for sale

    Hey out there, is anybody interested in a tall Clearview windshield with vent for an R3T. I bought it prior to going on a long vacation ride a couple of years ago. I used it for about 1 1/2 to 2 months as I was waiting on my fairing when I got it. It's in great shape and works especially well...
  9. JoseyR3Wales


    New product out and it looks good to me. American made for a good price. and click on Triumph on the left. Then scroll down to the New Storm windscreen. Nice. Wonder if it fits a Rocket III as well?
  10. Marky Mark

    Cee Bailey's Windshields

    I'm thinking about a Cee Bailey's windshield... Buuut. They don't come with hardware, but mention that one fits a 7 hole bracket and the other fits a 9 hole bracket. Are these Triumph bracket kits, and where would I get them? I'm looking at the 2" under, but am open to other options...
  11. MCDVX

    ($700 is Good Price?) OEM Triumph Rocket-III Classic/Roadster WINDSHIELD + FOG LIGHTS + MOUNTING KIT

    ($700 is Good Price?) OEM Triumph Rocket-III Classic/Roadster WINDSHIELD + FOG LIGHTS + MOUNTING KIT Triumph Rocket III Classic Roadster Windshield Fog Lights Mounting Kit | eBay
  12. cadconversions

    R3 Windshield on eBay - just ended...

    Okay, been wanting to try a windshield for sometime on the rocket for my fall / early spring riding and came across one on eBay that was going cheap. Ended up springing over $160 for it plus shipping. Included the front end fixing kit too. The bidding stayed low till the very end... Was...
  13. COMick

    Triumph Rocket III Touring Quick Release Roadster Windshield

    I have this windshield I would like to sell. (I also have a gel seat for the R3T I would sell) If anyone would be interested please contact me. Thanks
  14. Big Daddy

    Needing An R3r Windshield

    Just got a new R3R and immediately realized I needed a windshield cause it felt like it was trying to peel me off each time I went into rocket mode...LOL Looked at the OEM Windshield and $500. I asked if that came with some lube. The parts guy said sadly, no. Interesting that several non...
  15. Kyrocket

    New to windshields, questions?

    How do I tell if its the right height for me? The one I have came on the bike when I bought it. It feels like its dumping a lot of air onto my face/helmet. My wife is getting a lot of air on her face, to the point it almost sucked her glasses off. Any suggestions?
  16. kc0ace

    NON Triumph Windshields... what ones fit?

    I have a 2011 Roadster and LOVE it. But I'd really like a windshield, and the Triumph ones are not only way spendy ($500 for the windshield and $90 for the mounts is a tad much)... but also not the most attractive in a windshield. So... I've seen the National Cycle N28206 Mod. from a...
  17. Looking for a taller windshield.

    Good morning, I am looking for a taller than Triumph standard/full windshield. Anyone know of some aftermarket websites. I'd like to have one about 6 inches taller for my 2012 Roadster...
  18. TxRIIIRider

    Ordered a windshield -Must be getting old!

    Ordered a replacement shield, or blade, from Cee Bailey's today. 4" over the Roadster screen and tinted.. This should put it at the right level with an inch of adjustment in the bracket. This will replace my Summer Screen blade, which I have on at the moment. Of coirse, I still haveu my...
  19. skydog1000


    Who has a windshield that they like and why you like it or dislike it. I am thinking about getting one looking for one I can remove in 5 or 10 min.
  20. 2013r3roadster

    Custom Windshield Vender

    Gents, had a real good experiance with this vender... Purchased a recurve 25" windshield and am extremely happy. In my opinion better then OEM. Ofcourse they don't offer 25" windshields OEM. They also have lots of options to fit your purpose. The site is worth a...