A quick question. Do the colours shown in the TuneECU tables mean anything? If so, what?
I looked in the TuneECU user guide, but being colour blind I might have skipped over the relevant section.
I'm confused (which is not hard to do):confused: But I have a PC3 on my 05 and would like to try some of ya'll's stuff. All advice and help is appreciated.:coffee:
Ok so 1 week on owning my rocket and I have a few things I would like to tweak.
1: Looking for the smallest screen available that will take the edge off wind in the face above 80mph. The summer screen is WAY to big for my taste. Suggestions? Thinking the MRA screen, opinions?
2: As for...
I followed the link on the Tune Ecu How To thread and ordered this cable...
Link Removed
It learned that (after ordering it and trying it) it does not have an FTDI chipset and does not connect to the program/bike. I thought I'd post this as a new thread so others see it and do a little more...
Postman Pat (yes his name really is Pat) delivered my new cable today.
Plugged it in to the bike and the laptop, fired up TuneECU and everything worked first go. I like it when computer projects go smoothly.
Now the fun begins ...
Interesting bit of news over at TuneECU.com - apparently it's coming out for Android. Should be interesting to see about hooking it up to my Nexus 7 tablet. Wonder how that will work? Off the cuff guess, you need an OTG USB cable, but maybe I'm wrong.
Can anyone advise if the 2014 R3 Roadster ECU will be damaged, or "Locked Up' as a result of using the TuneECU software?
I've had conflicting reports as to if the latest R3 ECU has compatibility issues with TuneECU.
Good day!
I finally have received my OBD2 cable and I would like to start looking into how to derestrict the 123 gears.
Just to confirm, does this technically do the exact same thing as installing an ATRE?
Is there a source I can check to see exactly step by step what needs to be done in...
This is kind of a duplicate post from the Performance forum but I want to hit as many riders as I can before doing something wrong. I just purchased a set of TOR's, my ride is an early 2013 R3R. I had a post from Mike188 stating he had put on a Ramair along with his TOR's. I would like to do...
I tried to connect to uneEcu. Plugged cable into bike, blue light comes on, connect USB into laptop and get the "dadonk" sound. TuneEcu is already on screen, turn ignition switch on. Now heres the problem. I don't get the lower right hand corner to show I've linked to the program, never get the...
My friend Mike is bringing his new 2013 Roadster over for me to ride for a few hundred miles and play with some of the engine tune parameters. I'll adjust a few simple things like top speed and engine fan on temp. But we were wondering if the factory Roadster TORs tune that the dealer...
OK - I got my cable for TuneECU last week and I couldn't get it to talk to the ECU. So I checked cables connection, turned the ignition on and off more times than I care to mention. Erased USB drivers and re-installed from scratched. Tried running in compatibility mode. I tried everything, and...
Looking for some input from those familiar with tuning. I had the bike done at Carpenter, I waited a couple weeks, then called Bob with some questions I had thought of. I'm getting the feeling that Bob knows a hell of a lot about motors, but is not real comfortable with the computer end of it. I...
I wanted to give the Forum Members some information about the Dobeck Performance AFR Plus I recently installed on my 2006 Standard Rocket III. This add-on performance enhancement system is a plug and play devise that controls the fuel system at the injectors. No computers or dyno tuning is...
Hi all,
I know there is a LOT of discussion on TuneECU. Because of that I want to clarify some things for myself. R3T comments only please, I confuse easily:D
1. Is the Crescent Technologies cable on Amazon the preferred cable?
2. I have Windows VISTA on my 64 bit laptop. Any...
Will someone make a video of how to use this ?
So many people are not computer savvy. A video will help more than anyone realizes.
Download, open, connect to the bike, what to watch for, what each tab does, etc.
So many of you people have the knowledge but haven't shared.
Step up...
First post so I'm sorry if I sound a little unfamiliar with things. I have a 2011 Roadster with a K&N filter (stock filter replacement, not the triple filters) and the Triumph Accessory Silencers. I took it to a dealer today to have it remapped for the new setup hoping they could remove the...