1. Loanstar

    Not another TuneEcu Question...

    Sorry, but it is...kinda. I've experimented with several TuneEcu tunes with mixed results. I have tried both the "official" as well as one custom tune that I think might apply to my bike configuration. I have an '09 Standard with a D&D (no cat, the bike came like this and I assume the cat...
  2. Tuneecu assistance

    Hi everybody owner of Roadster 2011 just installed Ramair KIT, Dave platt exhaust and would like to have advice about Map # to install and where to load (fuel 95 ron) thanks for the help
  3. Jabo75

    Bluetooth OBD2 connector that works with TuneECU

    For anyone interested, I purchased this OBD2 connector from Amazon for $24. I have used it on other cars, so I decided to try it on my Rocket3 using TuneECU for Android. I have not messed with the mapping yet since I am trying to troubleshoot a speedometer issue that I have ( error code:P1500 -...
  4. Secondary Throttle Settings on TuneECU?

    Stupid question and answer time ..... who wants to play? Just bought a used 2013 Rocket 3 Roadster and downloaded a tune but noticed the upper RPM settings in 4th and 5th gear are not maximized (anywhere from 33 to 87 rather than 100 like all the other settings). I would like to know why these...
  5. hogweed

    tuneecu cable no longer connects

    The laptop i use for Tuneecu (Windows 7) had to be repaired and now the cable no longer connects ,i think there was a section on the TuneEcu website about removing the old cable drivers but cant find it? Can someone clever remind me the procedure for downloading the correct drivers and how to...
  6. fatboyslim

    Looking for dyno tuner that knows tuneecu

    Looking for a tuneecu dyno tuner in the AR, north LA, east TX area
  7. BillB

    2015 R3T and Tuneecu

    Anyone know for sure if the 2015 ecu's are locked or not? One of our new members (big head) is dying to wake up his trike but we sure don't want to mess anything up. As an aside, I actually got to see the trike last Sunday. It's pretty freaking awesome and really really big!:thumbsup:
  8. ant

    How many Tuneecu maps are available ?

    Hi Guys,i am new to Tuneecu and this maybe a silly question but how many maps are available for a Rocket 3 ? is it only the 7 maps 20222 to 20228 found on the Tuneecu site ?
  9. Blackthou

    TuneECU cable

    Hi, Just been looking on eBay UK for the above and under the listed bikes for Rocket Roadster it says up to 2012. What's needed for a 2014 Roadster please?
  10. TuneECU tune for 07 Classic, 3xK&N, TORS, factory Cat Box

    Anyone have this? I've found them available with the Cat delete, but none tuned for 3x K&N, and TORS with the cat box still on.
  11. ant

    which Tuneecu map should i use.

    Hi,I have decided to upgrade from a K&N standard airbox filter to a ramair filter.The bike is a 2007 Rocket 3 with tors and de cat pipe and it was mapped at a local Triumph dealer for the K&N filter. I have ordered a cable from ebay which has the FTDI chip and has sold 427 of these cables so it...
  12. struddy

    Has anyone used the lonelec tuneecu cable?

    Has anyone used the lonelec tuneecu cable?
  13. Need Quick Help With Tuneecu

    I already have a map in my bike via tuneecu. I am ready to put a different map in my bike also using tuneecu. My question is this: Since I do not want to keep a copy of the map that's already in the bike can I simply load the new map "on top of" the map that's already in it, or must I follow...
  14. MLJ

    Tuneecu help

    I am new to site and recently purchased a 2011 R3R, I tried to down load a tune using Tune ECU and when I finished the check engine light is blinking and the bike will not start? All the steps were followed and Tune ECU shows a white TPS box, but I can't start the bike?
  15. paul harrison

    Has anyone done a Tuneecu for dummies using android?

    And i do mean dummies, i could do with a step by step demo of how to copy my map and save it so i can send it off to Hans0 using android, i have the lonelec cable and a tablet, lots of people have said how much easier it is to get android to work but frustratingly never a how too!! i would like...
  16. Buzzz

    Tuneboy and TuneECU

    Hi guys, My 2015 Rocket will arrive in the next few days. I still have my TuneECU cable from my previous Rocket as well as a Tuneboy Kit that I purchased for my Ducati Diavel. I suppose what I'm wondering is which one I should use on the new bike? I will probably have to order a new connector...
  17. can i edit maps,idle using Android tuneecu

    Hi all,I've downloaded tuneecu to my android tablet but can't find how to if you can change idle speed on any of the maps can anyone point me in the right direction ? Charlie.
  18. Claviger

    Tuning Anomalies using TuneECU and wideband

    After sorting through some issues with certain tunes, i have compiled my own Hybrid tune. First things first, it is a composite tune using various bits from various tunes to achieve what I am after, that being a very smooth ride at low throttle openings, no herky-jerky crap, but a butt load of...
  19. Longrider

    Hooked up TuneECU and what did I find?

    Once, only once has my bike been to a Bike Shop .... at 20000K I booked it in to let someone else have fun with the valve service stuff. When I picked it up he said that it had an old tune and he had downloaded a new one. Bloody thing went like a scalded cat, so I was happy. Just hooked up...