
  1. Looking for a tune - 2005 Classic with RamAir & Viking 3-1 exhaust.

    The title pretty much says it all... I am looking for a tune - 2005 Classic with RamAir & Viking 3-1 exhaust. I have heard that Hanso is on the mend, I have reached out a couple of times, but he is likely busy recovering. So if anyone else has one, or can help me out.... It would be greatly...
  2. Tune for 15 Roadster with Ramair and Viking Exhaust

    Hey guys, looking for a tune for my 15 Roadster. Currently have Ramair installed and am running a 3 into 1 slip on until my full system arrives from Viking. If anyone has anything for either of these set ups please let me know. Thanks!
  3. Rocket 3 Roadster tune??

    As the title says I have a rocket 3 Roadster and I need a tune I know absolutely nothing about tuneecu or computers or anything I downloaded the app for my phone I have the cord I have a custom-made exhaust I did myself it is a 3 into 1 with a Rinehart pipe I I have no idea what to do about a...
  4. Stock 15-16 R3R tune

    Anyone have the stock 15-16 R3R tune? I seem to have misplaced my copy.
  5. Tune ecu map

    Hi I'm new to the rocket scene just looking for a map to go with my 2008 classic its had a decat and o2 removed keeping the tors for now may change latter but I need the best map to use with the tune ecu lead etc or the latest whichever you guys think is the best Thanks Alan
  6. Power_Tripp De-restricting Tune, TORs & Stock K&N Filter Question

    I am currently just running the Power-Tripp De-restricting Tuning on my bike. I have a question for anyone who is actually running the Power-Tripp Tuning, a set of Triumph TORs and a K&N filter in the stock air box on their R3T. Does that tuning work just fine (as it is suppose to) and is it...
  7. Tune ECU Driver for Window 10 Lonelec cable

    Going mad, have bought a new longelec connector cable, downloaded Tune ECU, unzipped the file, downloaded the driver from Dx222.com used driver 2.12.26. Disconnect the wifi and unzipped the file and setup a new folder in C:/ Tune ECU Drivers. My problem is the drivers are not been reconised. i...
  8. Throttle body balancing and Tune ECU

    Okay this should be easily answered. I have many times balanced the throttle bodies on R3's, without the stock air box its pretty easy while using Tune ECU. No problems with this. From reading other threads I know that the vacuum hoses crack with age and may need replacing. I'm also OK with...
  9. Tune ECU and my 2016 Rocket

    After a few weeks of messing around and pulling out the little bit of my remaining hair, I figured out why my cable/software didn't connect to the ecu. On my bike the headlight fuse also controls the instrument cluster. So the program must be sensing an error with the fuse out - since it can see...
  10. Tune ECU Ignition Table Question

    HI looking for an answer here. And hope question is clear. I have always thought that the "I" tables in the ECU mapping were for each cylinder (like the F-L tables). Now I am not so sure as I looked at some Thruxton, Thunderbird and TB Storm maps. They all have 2 cylinders and, as expected...
  11. Hesitation at 2000 RPM (with Tune ECU questions)

    I just had the 30K mile service done on my 2005 Roadster. Once I got the bike back, I now notice a hesitation at around 1,800-2,200 RPM when the throttle is being lightly applied. The hesitation is not present when I am at or near full throttle. To me this screams TPS but I figured I would try...
  12. Tune ECU on Samsung Android phone

    Need some help ,I have a Lonelec adaptor and tune ecu works fine on my windows laptop,when I connect using adaptor usb lead to my mobile phone samsung S7 i can connect to ecu and green light appears at bottom when i select ecu i have four drop down menus but Tests and Adjustments is not...
  13. Tune ECU vs. Amazon Fire tablet

    Does any one know if the Tune ECU android version will work with the Amazon Fire hd Tablet? I know it works on my android phone, I just want a bigger screen to look at. Thanks Guys
  14. Rocket 3 differences and tune ability

    Hi all Just joined the group as I am hoping to get a R3 shortly. As I understand it the Roadster was released in 2010 and this model has the increased HP and Torque. Will a simple remap using TuneECU convert any R3 to the Roadster spec or is there more to it than that? The reason I ask is I def...
  15. Started The 20,000 TUNE UP

    Been riding the Fatboy all week back and forth to work. Got it running good but not good enough. It is fun to ride but have gotten spoiled riding the ROCKET X. So being a little more motivated to tuning up the Rocket I started today. Spent the better part of the day reading and studying Tune...
  16. Anybody still remember how to tune a carb?

    Not Rocket related but here goes...this is on a 2004 Yamaha Vstar 1100 Custom with 1500 miles on it that I am trying to get back together. Long story but it just happened to be sitting in my shop when we were slinging paint so it got disassembled and shot with a custom marble paint job and I'm...
  17. 20,000 mile tune up.

    Just about ready. Bought all the stuff required. I can safely say it has been a interesting adventure acquiring the Knowledge to attempt such a feat. Just waiting on parts and still need to go out and buy a laptop in the morning for tune ECU. Plan on taking about three days to do the job. This...
  18. Hanso/Tripp R3T derestricing/anti-Decel pop tune review.

    Good day all, @Joesmoe loaded a new tune in Brahma this weekend for me. @HansO sent him two new tunes after Joesmoe's bike was sending out too many fuel fumes via the exhaust. This was noticed while at Mayberry days. From what Joesmoe tells me, these tunes started with the R3T de-restricting...
  19. Best tune , I need your knowldge and experience.

    Hi all, I have a 2013 model roadster in UK. I have TORs with decat pipe. Ramair filter. I intend to have Tune to make secondaries fully open, Speed restricter removed and deactivate the Lambda Sensor. which is the best Tune to do all of this and give best reliable performance. Thanks
  20. Almost done .... now just need the right tune

    After a lot of agonizing and reading on this forum, and great advice from it's participants, and waiting for the parts I finally have them all in the mail. Right now I have a stock 2014 roadster. In about a week it will be equiped with a carpenter sidewinder exhuast and a ramair filter. So...