1. TxRIIIRider


    What's happening with the TriumphRat.net site?
  2. Molinoman

    New Triumph Mag

    The new Triumph magazine is out and it came with a patch. For some reason the Rocket in any variation is not seen in the magazine??? Dennis
  3. cane corso

    Triumph Highway pegs

    Hi has any one bought the Triumphs adjustable highway pegs mount and the highway pegs logo chrome all together for $164.98? Are they worth it? I'm about 5" 9" - do they adjust far enough so that a person my height fits comfortable without streatching out too much? Are they good quality?
  4. tdragger

    Need Some Leg Room - Rivco or Triumph Driver Boards?

    I have an '06 Std Roc with the regular footpegs. I'm finding that I'd really like to have the pegs lower about 1" and slightly forward. What are my options? I've been looking at the Rivco Driver Boards since I already have the Passenger set. Do they give the driver any additional leg room...
  5. Daytona Bike Week Triumph Demos

    Wow the line up of Triumph bikes is sweet!!! Triumph is allowing everyone to experience the ride on speed triple and the New touring bike and others. Lots of info even why they reduced the horsepower yet increased the torque....Lots of folks from out of the country...even 5 miles from the...
  6. Triumph At Daytona Beach Now!

    Today I stoped over at Destination Daytona Harley- Bruce Rossmeyer The Triumph group was there with about 15 bikes..three new 08 touring with bypass , three rockets, some with tors and bypass exaust... Speed triples Was a female rep from the factory although did not have to many answers...
  7. I have the Triumph Parts????????

    Well I have now the TOR's and have the triumph bypass................so ????? Well the wife agrees......says it doesnot sound like a Harley.....but sounds much better than the stock.Triumph she could not lift the cat box.........and agrees with the tune and the power increase she wants to...
  8. RoadVenture

    No part numbers @ Triumph

    Has anyone else noticed that Triumph has removed the part numbers from their accessoy website pages? :mad: I checked on a part number the first week in January for the RIII Touring Dresser Bars. A few days later all the part numbers are gone replaced by "undefined".
  9. TRiumph Demo day 2-23-08 SW Florida

    Hey, my shop is having it's anual Triumph Demo day. Last year we roasted two pigs, with all the fixins. It was a great day overall. More so being I get to work with the ride team and skate from wrenching for a good part of the day. It's a great way for you FL folks to beat the rush at bike week...
  10. New Triumph Cruiser

    The rumors have been around for several years. Looks like it has been spotted. Same test rider as pictured on Street Triple and new Tiger.
  11. WANTED:::::::Cat box bypass- triumph

    :oI am interested in a cat bypass..for my 2007 Rocket :o.Lets make a deal>>>>>>>>>> Ride safe!!!!! Bought one --- update
  12. Screwed by Triumph again

    I wish the *******s at Triumph would pull their heads out of their asses when it comes to their accessories. I have wrote before about their ****ty quality control, wrong instructions, missing parts and things that just don’t fit. Well here is the latest pain. A couple of weeks ago I ordered a...
  13. TxRIIIRider

    Alamo BMW/Triumph - Open 18 Dec

    Just got an e-mail from the dealer. Alamo BMW/Triumph will be opening for business 18 Dec. It's about time we got a dealer in the San Antonio area... although it's still about 1 1/2 hours away.. :) They don't have any Triumph info on their web site yet, but hopefully that will change soon...
  14. TxRIIIRider

    Advertising for Triumph

    Well, went out and did some more advertising for Triumph tonight... :) I rode with our local Southern Cruiser chapter in the Floresville, TX Christmas lighting ceremony/parade. Had the bike all decorated in battery powered lights from Walmart.. :) There were a suprising amount of people...
  15. Tuneboy Groupbuy at triumph675.net

    Anyone looking for a Tuneboy, there is a group buy available at triumph675.net. Check the link for details. http://www.triumph675.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=204781#204781
  16. Can a Triumph Rocket beat.........

    Can a Triumph Rocket beat a Yamaha FJR 1300 in a 0 to 60 mph?:confused: (given same driver skills)
  17. New Goodies from Triumph

    Looks like Triumph is trying to steal some of Rivco's thunder... and they are cheaper too... This was just added to my Christmas list... And it looks like they offer sturdier crash bars.. That allow these to be fitted...
  18. vonbonds

    My new wheels, not a Triumph but I still love it...

    Well, I sold my Cummins pickup and Rocket III, what did I replace it with? Link Removed 350HP is a way to deal being Rocket-less! Being a Mopar guy I couldn't resist and waiting for the Challenger wasn't an option unfortunately. I probably couldn't have afforded it anyway so I will have to...
  19. finTR3

    Kuryakyn ISO Grip End Signals for the Triumph

    These cleverly designed LED signals mount directly to the ends of the Kuryakyn ISO grips. The super bright LEDs allow for 360 degrees of visibility. To install, you’ll simply remove the chrome end of the grips and replace them with these signals I just order grips and signals, enyone have...
  20. Triumph Rocket Insurance

    Triumph Rocket Insurance Quote 10/07 State Farm $ 485 For 6 Months:( Geico $150.00 For 12 Months