1. Alex Dem

    New Triumph Roket 3 Touring rider from Moscow, Russia.

    Hi, guys, meet my new ride, most beautiful moto in the world! )))
  2. Joesmoe

    Installation of Neville Lush Racing "street" cams in 2014 Rocket III Touring

    This is a thread starter. I ordered the cams at the first of the year, after talking about it for the better part of three years. You will NOT hear me say this is the best -- except after all considerations, including my nearing-retirement piggy bank -- this seems to be the sweet spot for me...
  3. xlr8tion

    Want to Buy Low Mileage RIII touring

    Hit me back via PM or T4T8Dr@Atlanticbb.net
  4. Lusiphur

    Self canceling turn signals from Touring on a Roadster, anyone do it? Tips?

    So I'm a HD transplant and got used to the self canceling turn signals on them. Was looking into various aftermarket options and don't love any of them. I know the Touring has them so I was wondering if it would be possible to move the assembly and electronics over. Any ideas would be greatly...
  5. grinjim

    2009 r3 touring elect. Probs

    Hello folks . Last fall while riding my rocket 3 just shut down completely and left me sunning on the side of the road. One mechanic checked it out and said it was a cooked stator and it had burned up my regulator rectifier unit. So I went to another guy and he said no no it's not the stator but...
  6. Reino606

    New to me 2010 R3 Touring

    Just bought this beautiful bike last evening! It has 10,000 miles on it, I have no history on it and wanted to know what I should do to assure it is in top shape. Would also appreciate ideas where to buy parts for this thing, at a reasonable price. Thanks Randy
  7. DEcosse

    Need some Pump Current info (Classic or Touring)

    Could someone help provide me with a current reading from a Classic or Touring (but not Roadster) ? I would like to know what is the ACTUAL Fuel Pump current. It's not that Roadster is different, just that has different circuit path & there is no simple way to measure compared to the other...
  8. Navigator

    New Touring Roadster

    Just kidding. I installed the solo seat that I bought from Tripp and pulled the windscreen. During breakfast in Florida with Scot in Exile, Dave mentioned how he did not like windscreens and preferred wind in the chest feeling. After my friend and I mounted the seat I pulled the windscreen...
  9. Brian

    For Sale 2015 Triumph Rocket 3 Touring 9100 miles

    2015 bike with ABS. Babied and low miles. Need to get a side by side for now so have to sell. Extras,,: Custom exhaust by Dain 2 windshields New tires 100 miles New EBC Brakes 100 miles Windshield bag Stereo plugin with amp Handlebar speakers rainproof ISO grips Footrests Standard were...
  10. Ishrub

    For Sale Not mine - on eBay Touring TORs - 'function over form'

    Not mine - on eBay Touring TORs Function over form. Some dingles. Triumph Silencers, Aftermarket KIt Mufflers Part # A9608090 Rocket III | eBay
  11. Ishrub

    **SOLD** Touring Pannier Rail kit Brand New in box.

    Yep Ishrub's Treasure Trove has released another one. Offers? PANNIER GUARD RAILS - CHROME A9758115 Available Spring 2008 North West Motorcycles - Rocket III Touring 0 - Guard Rails, Pannier, Kit 1 A9758115 (NLA) T1 GUARD RAILS PANNIER x1 Au$822.50
  12. Ishrub

    ** SOLD ** Au$300 Touring front fender rail chrome, brand new

    Yep, Alladin may have had his cave but it is no match for Ishrub's Treasure Trove aided and assisted by a worldwide network of parts sleuths.;):D:cool: Open to offers + Shipping. As recently sold by Mittzy for Au$450 (US$340). SOLD ------ TOURING Front Fender Rail Chrome BRAND NEW Blatant...
  13. Kievit

    Touring fuel indicator only partly works?

    My fuelindicator levelindicator suddenly has stopped en is stuck in empty mode. The fuel light however still does its job. I doublecheckt the tankfloater....it works. Anybody recognizes this problem?
  14. Comotion

    For Sale R3 Touring Instrument Cluster, stock exhaust, rear shocks

    I have an instrument cluster for a 2011 R3 Touring. I bought it new trying to remedy a fuel gage that wasn't working. It seems the cluster wasn't the issue, and due to a test ride, the odometer now has 5 miles on it. I also have the stock exhaust and rear shocks for sale. I am located in the...
  15. Roadster to Touring in 3...2...

    Hi everyone. I have the Roadster that is slowly morphing to to the touring version. I’ve added a passenger back rest and saddle bags, the bags were done in haste. Once they were installed I saw R3s with hard bags. Now I want some. Any ideas on getting started? Thanks
  16. WildBill

    **SOLD** '13 Touring Stock Seat

    Seat is like new. $50 plus shipping for the seat. This is just taking up space and I'll never use it. Low price due to what I would imagine will be pretty spendy shipping. Located in Washington State.
  17. Bone crusher

    Touring seat won't release

    I recently removed my single seat and installed the rear bracket that supports the pillion seat and then attached my touring seat so the girl and I could go for a ride. Now I'm trying to return the single seat but for the life of me I can't get the lock to release the touring seat. I hear the...
  18. ZoneIII

    Rocket III Touring discontinued?

    Sorry if this is old news but a quick search here found nothing about this except old reports that the Touring was being discontinued that turned out to be false. I became suspicious that the R3T might be discontinued when I noticed that it isn't shown on some Triumph websites anymore. But I...
  19. Navigator

    For Sale 2011 Touring in Tumwater, WA

    Check it out, a very nice uber low mileage Touring presently listed on Craigslist. 2011 Triumph Rocket III Touring From what I can see it has the upgraded touring seat/w backrest, quick detach rack and saddlebag rails. As always with very low mileage bikes like this I'm a bit concerned...
  20. concours

    Has anyone swapped the USD fork from a Roadster onto a Touring?

    I liked the USD forks since the R3 came out, and have considered retrofitting them to the Touring. Has anyone gone before me on this endeavor?:cool: