Decided to sell because I just use it too rarely these days. I have the itch to get a Corvette, so this sale will be my down payment.
This is the 2013 Non-ABS model. The Black and Cream color. 5247 miles. Just passed NC inspection. Brand new Avon Cobras (Anyone that owns a Rocket should...
The OEM mufflers are sitting on my shop floor on a piece of cardboard.
I'm making a dump run on Friday and thought if someone needed a set, I'd pass them on. Of course local is preferred since shipping them might be stupidly expensive. If no takers by Friday, to the land fill they go.
Hello all ya Rocket pilots out there, I need to pick your brains. I got a 2010 Touring with as you can see 6000+ on the clock, the problem I have is getting her started. She is in neutral gear and when I turn the key on all I get is the oil light and digital clock/counter,no fuel gauge, no...
Hey guys. I've decided to sell my 2009 R3T. It has an awesome fairing, four speakers, two little tweeters and a cd/usb/mp3/bluetooth/GPS stereo in it. Bike is stock. Oil always changed and I got new tires about 4000 miles ago. Bike has 11,500 miles on it. Asking $7,500. If interested, please...
This is the Classic seat for Std, Classic and Roadsters.
Rocky Millbrook is in Bridgeport, West Virginia.
Yesterday at 7:16 AM
Triumph “tourer” rocket III seat
Bridgeport, WV
I’m selling his Triumph “tourer” rocket III seat with drivers backrest and bracket. ( if your bike has the 240...
We just finished a three week 3300 mile seven state ride. The Rocket never missed a beat. Averaged 36 mile per gallon at a true 80 mph on the freeways. McCruise work perfectly. Rode between 300 and 500 miles per day when we weren't visiting. Triumph touring seat with backrest was always...
Looking for help with a friends 2007 Touring.
Its totally stock.
Map 20367
He has had it about 7 months.
22000 miles on clock.
History unknown.
This issue started a month ago, occasionally it would cut out coming to a junction.
Then it started missing and kicking at low rpm cruising...
Sooooo, I test rode a 2009 Touring yesterday that has about 9,000 miles on it. Bike has newer Avon Cobra's on it. The ride/suspension is far superior to my 2012 Road King, way (way way) better. Engine, shifting, etc. seemed to be spot on. Overall I was impressed. The bike has D&D muffs and a...
Looks like I waited too long to buy all of the Triumph accessories I wanted for my R3T. Haven't been able to find a luggage rack. If anyone's got one they want to unload, let me know!:)
First, I want to thank everyone on this site for the help your discussions have given me over the last 3 years that I've been a R3 rider.
Owning and riding a R3 has been a dream of mine for many years. I first purchased my 2006 R3C about 3 years ago. Loved it from day one and even had the 240...
Ok, I know a lot of you have Rivco risers. they've been on my list for ahilwe but at $190, they haven't been a priority yet. I see that Rivco is getting rid of the touring part -it's "on sale" for $50 (I'm assuming they're dumping their inventory). Any reason they won't fit on a '17 Roadster...
Yeah, I know....first world problem.
I’m leaving on Tuesday for a 2-week, 5,500-mile ride from FL to CA and back—with stops in AL, MO, NM and AZ along the way.
I haven’t used my tall touring windscreen for quite a while and was just gonna sell it. But the weather forecast calls for...
I'm about ready to tear my hair out over this. Bike was fine, until about about 3 months ago when it started hesitating on decel. About 3 months prior to all this (around Dec.) I went through and gave it a all around service and had it retuned. At that time air filter was cleaned, fuel filter...