1. HeR3tic

    New 08 Touring report

    The local Triumph dealer has an all Black Touring Rocket III on the floor. No demo unit as of yet. Cheap bastards! That RocketIII Touring, with the black engine as well, is awesome looking. The salesman says there's night and day difference is slow speed handling; I'll have to take his word...

    tour tank, extended fuel tank mounted on sissy bar

    Although I want to rig up a belly or under seat tank, the easiest option is one of the tour tanks that mounts like a beer keg on the rear rack. I can use quick disconnects on the fuel line and remove it when I'm not out on the longer trips... Only thing I'm worried about is perpetual...
  3. R3Touring Pics

    I am posting these for Baggage.......He will give his impression....
  4. britman

    New Touring Mufflers

    Currently on fleabay. The new touring style mufflers are out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Triumph-Rocket-III-Touring-Accessory-Mufflers-A9608090_W0QQitemZ110200056334QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item110200056334
  5. Got the new 07 classic tourer

    Today I traded my 05 red rocket III in for the new 07 rocket III classic tourer. It is black and white. Now check this out, I owned the red rocket for nearly three years and never a speeding ticket or even stopped for anything. But today with only 14miles after leaving the dealership I get...
  6. New Rocket III Touring tune question

    I read a post in one of the forums that "New" Rockets arrive at the dealer without a tune installed. This occurs when the bike is uncrated & assembled. Is there any reason why a Rocket III Touring (basically de-tuned) could not be "tuned" to the same specs as a standard or classic Rocket...
  7. finTR3

    rocket tourer

  8. More Touring Goodies

    http://www.triumph.co.uk/sharedContent/bike360s/popup360.asp?size=large&video=/media/Rckt_Touring_2.5mb.mov And from the UK owners site. http://www.galley-pak.com/PDFs/Rocket20Touring20Accessories.pdf
  9. finTR3

    new triumph rocket tourer

    http://www.mpmaailma.fi/index.php?news=5&news_id=1379 alli include.. + 70 optional parts new chassi , narrow tires, suspension, wind sheald, bags, bords, and more
  10. finTR3

    new rocket 3 tourer

    http://www.mpmaailma.fi/index.php?news=5&news_id=1379 new chassi, handelbar, narow tires, suspension, tank, sped and rpm panel, windsheald backs, floor bords + 70 optional parts show in milano
  11. rocketeer

    New Tourer

    I just bought a new tourer last week and can't get the grin off my face. (Except when I hit a bump. Ouch!!! My back is still killing me.) I had a BMW which I have always loved. Several of my friends have Harleys and Harley clones, so the BMW always looked out of place on group rides. My wife...
  12. Tour Pak

    Like some of you know from my first posts, I sold my Harley Electra Glide and bought a Rocket III. My wife misses the comfort and security of the tour pak, so...what do you think of the intial stages of my next modification? Has anyone done this yet?
  13. garyculb

    Triumph Rocket III Touring Spyshots

    Want to see something rather usual. Take a look at what Triumph is planning to release/ expel. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2007/August/aug13-19/aug1407triumphrocketiiitouringexclusivespyshots/?R=EPI-93541 What an error in judgement!:eek::eek::eek:
  14. Tourer in '08?

    Looks like it's ready to go for this next year??? Doesn't look like a 240 on the rear either. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2007/August/aug13-19/aug1407triumphrocketiiitouringexclusivespyshots/?R=EPI-93541
  15. New Triumph Tourer Spied

    These are the first spy photos to reveal the final look of Triumph's new 2.3 litre tourer based on the Rocket III. The new bike might share the Rocket's engine, but the bodywork, suspension and chassis are all new, suggesting it will be marketed as a completely separate model rather than just...
  16. Rocket Tourer

    Looks like it may be here. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2007/May/may-1-to-may-6/may0207triumphtourerspied/?&R=EPI-90926 Or see Link Removed
  17. Rocket III Tourer

    Italian firm "Extreme Designs" has beaten Triumph to the production of a Rocket III Touring version. A photo can be found at the link below. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/nav?page=motorcyclenews.articles.articleCategory.article&resourceId=6235604&articleCategory=NEWS_NEW-BIKES
  18. SportTouring.Net

    How long has Sport Touring.Net been down? Do we have any misplaced lurkers here from STN? If so... I can put up a temporary forum for you guys until they get your site back up. Let me know if there is any interest in that... Tomo
  19. Rocket Touring Model Rumors

    I stopped by the dealer today and asked if they heard of any rumors of a touring Rocket at the US dealer conference. They stated the closest thing Triumph will have for a touring model is the "touring package" they will be offering which is a Classic model with a windshield and bags installed...
  20. VictoryDaveAZ

    Rocket Touring Gel Seat

    Lower Price. All or Part. Rocket Touring Gel Seat Triumph Gel Seat is SOLD, thanks to this website. Thanks, Dave