1. datona paul

    Axle n Rear Brake Bolt Torque??

    hi all.. Just had my riken raptor mounted.. :d:d:d .. And don't have my manual in spokane.(moving) i need to know the axle and rear brake bracket bolt torque settings for the rocket standard.. Thanks in advance... Paul
  2. seeya

    engine to frame torque specs

    Can anyone tell me what the torque specs for engine to frame is, manuel says "see text" any help would greatly appreciated
  3. bonecarver

    Rear brake caliper torque reaction bolt

    Just put new tires on the bike, looked up the torque settings for the Rear brake caliper torque reaction bolt and saw that the service manual calls for this bolt to be replaced if removed. Anyone or does everyone replace this when they change their rear tire? Or just re-torque it?
  4. Torque Wrench Tech Question

    When you add a extension to a Torque wrench if I remember right you loose some of your setting you have it on.,,Does anyone know the formula to take the 2,4,6,or 8 inch or longer extension to make up the difference you have to add to your setting on the Torque wrench. Thank you.
  5. T Evans

    Don't over torque oil drain plugs.

    Changed the oil and filter today for the first time. When I installed the first of the 3 plugs, I put a pretty good pull on it. I noticed that it didn't feel like it was torquing up. Then I remembered what I read here about not to over tighten the plugs for fear of stripping out the threads...
  6. TheKid

    Rear wheel torque

    I was wondering what the foot pounds torque for a 2010 R3T is. It is listed 110Nm for the axel nut and 69Nm for the torque reaction bolt ( which is suppose to be replaced, I guess because it has thread sealer on it). Rear by the way. I guess Nm is newton meters? Or does anyone know where a...
  7. Manic_Mechanic


    I got the bluetooth ODB II dongle last week and got it working on my Audi with the Torque App on the android. This week going to configure it for the rocket and will keep you all posted.
  8. HD2Rocket3

    Torque Wrench?

    I just got my Rivco "tip-over bars" which are basically just bolt-on so I should be able to do it myself. Unfortunately I don't have the tools or facilities to do a lot of stuff. Or know-how for that matter. Anyway, I need a torque wrench to put it on and was hoping someone could recommend one...
  9. tdragger

    Spark Plug Torque Specs

    Perhaps another set of eyes can locate the place in the service manual that specifies the amount of torque to be applied to the spark plugs when installing new ones. I've looked through both the old book and the new one and can't find it. There's not even a section on changing the plugs. I...
  10. cane corso

    hp and torque

    Ok I was at my dealers here in Utah and the guy said because I have Tuneboy and Jardine Exhaust and K&N filters I am getting 150 hp and 152 torque. He was saying that he could tune it better to get at least 160 to 170 hp. Has any one done this with this set up is it possible?
  11. MCN

    New 2010 Triumph Sprint GT gets power and torque boost

    Triumph’s new Sprint GT has more power and torque than the old ST, and will be one of the best value tourers on the market when it goes on sale in two weeks. Details just released by Triumph reveal the... More...
  12. Torque & HP. What's it really mean?

    I'm looking at the 2010 Rocket III Tour. Trying to compare engine specs of a Rocket to an Suzuki M109R and Roadliner. Seems some HP is higher while other's torque is higher. What's more significant? Also trying to get specs on the 2010 Rocket III Tour for Canada. I saw one at GP Bikes and...
  13. Need torque setting...

    ... for bolts that hold the Triumph dresser bars in place. Contemplating removing the bars to make room for highway pegs mounted in front of controls... Thanks
  14. HeR3tic

    Torqued Oil Drain plugs

    I'm amazed the amount of torque specified for the oil drain plugs. That's all three plugs. I'm not a metric user. The stated torque is 25nM. I take that is newton meters. Converted to my own standard that's 18+ foot pounds. That's a lot of torque, in my book! I had to use a 15" cheater bar to...
  15. Even More Idle Issues... Torque Magazine

    If you pull out Issue 40, Summer 2006, North American Edition of Torque Magazine and turn to page 36 you will find an article named "Technical Torque... EMS". This article explains how the ECU works in a fuel injected motorcycle and all of the work Triumph has done on the Rocket III. It disturbs...
  16. Torque Magazine...

    I finally got my copy of Torque Magazine today... It wasn't delivered by the post office, it was brought to me by my neighbor, who has had it for a very long time, it seems. It has been well read and thumbed through, maybe he'll buy a Triumph next time. ( He has one of those slow Valk things)...