1. JohnPanter

    WARNING !! Watch out for this potential disaster when filling fuel tank.

    Just got back from shortened touring trip to France . . on the train. I wont waste your time with my moans, but just tell you the facts. After topping up the Roadster tank on a rainy morning, we rode steadily out of Blaine. At the 2nd mini roundabout, I had to brake a little for a lorry to...
  2. Nungers

    Fuel Tank Upgrade

    I have just got my bike back from the panel shop. They widened the tank to hold more fuel 330km and the fuel light came on, 2 bars left. 440km the gauge said empty 482km and ran out of fuel 24ltrs to fill from dead empty Attached is a couple of pics before and after, welll not quite, I for got...
  3. Vector

    Fuel tank removal.

    It sure sounds like a hassle. Can the tank be partially lifted to gain access to the spark plugs? I thing these engineers design so most buyers have the dealer perform work at $95 an hour.
  4. RocketMikeR3T

    Sounds like keys rattling in front of fuel tank

    It sounds like keys rattling against the front of the fuel tank at certain RPM's, it doesn't do it all the time but it does do it a lot. It's a little annoying when it's happening because it's very pronounced. I rode my brother-in-laws R3T same year as mine and you could barely hear it on his...
  5. C-squared

    tank bag attachment

    Hi everyone - I've had a tank bag for a couple of years but haven't used yet. It comes with a small nylon strap in the shape of a T with two holes. I could find any screws that came with it and it wasn't immediately obvious to me how it goes on - anyone know? Thanks
  6. Dale914

    Replacing coolant tank with liquor bottle

    A while back I saw a chopper with a Jack Daniels bottle as the overflow tank and decided that I need to do that with the rocket as I’m running with 3 K&Ns and no bearclaw and I hate the look of the tank. So I know that a few of you have replaced with aftermarket tanks, and I know that the volume...
  7. SlimReaper

    Running rough after tank swap

    So I had to lay my 2009 R3T down to avoid a major accident and had to replace my tank. Kept all the electrical from original (pump, hoses, fittings, fuel gauge, etc.) Bike starts and idle fine. It also runs accelerates ok, until I go to shift. After that, she sputters and surges. If I really...
  8. PekkaVu

    Do not over fill the tank

    I think that cap is ventiled which means it is releasing gas out from tank. It's very important that you not over fill the tank. Because gasoline (liquid) is blocking gas canel of the cap. I almost burn my Rocket R3R when I over fill the tank. And I wonderin after short riding the noise which...
  9. Micheric

    Scratched Gas Tank - Recommendation?

    My son scraped my tank with his ski while it was in the garage. Its a small scratch but did go down to the primer. As I notice it every time I look down, I'd like to get it fixed and will likely need to take it to someone. I am in Southern Cal and my Triumph shop has a guy but he is busy for...
  10. dhernb

    Radiator overflow tank relocation

    Does anyone have a photo of their tank mounted under the seat?
  11. MonkeyMan

    Rocket 3, 2020 and later, Tank Removal

    When I do certain jobs, I never know when I'm coming back to them, and I easily can make mistakes. Especially if the job is new to me. I was scared to pull the tank off of my new Rocket, so i set out like I usually do, with my numbered baggies and went at it. I made a list of my steps, and my...
  12. Starfighter

    Rocket III Roadster tank swap and other mods

    Hello everyone So Im joining the Rocket racket soon and will pull the trigger on a Roadster once I find a good deal. As always, I customize my bikes to my own personal liking. Im planning to swap the OEM giant fuel tank to a smaller round fuel tank ala Bonneville and put in a slammer seat. I...
  13. gadget_ho

    Lamonster vs Trik Union Jack tank pads

    So in case anyone is tossing up between these two products, I bought both and you can see them side by side in the pic. For comparison, the Trik pads are a good deal larger, slightly thinner and don‘t incorrectly render one of the flags. The Lamonster seems a touch thicker and still has a...
  14. Zutt

    Fuel Tank Strap Replacement

    Anyone have directions or video of how to remove the metal tank strap? Mine was scratched when purchased bike and just got a replacement but it's not clear to me how to remove it. Thanks.
  15. Mike Rocket

    Oil level drop in oil tank (Again)

    Sorry, i have asked before but now it drains down quicker. I have a 2014 Rocket 3 Roadster with 12000 miles on the clock so really nothing should be worn yet. The oil tank has drained down into the sump overnight a couple of times now, which seems pretty fast to me. I have replaced the one way...
  16. Racknid

    Magnetic Union Jack Tank Decals

    I ordered Union Jack tank decals from Lamonster, but wasn't so sure I could commit to sticking anything new on the bike when I'd just finished removing the safety stickers. Got the idea to try turning them into magnets so I could attach/remove/swap when I felt like it. Ordered large magnetic...
  17. RockOn

    RamAir and Expansion Tank

    I've removed the stock air plenum on my '06 classic and preparing to install a RamAir unit. Now, of course, it occurs to me that the expansion tank might block airflow to the filter. Do I need to move the tank or can it stay in place? I've done a forum search and see people have relocated the...
  18. Kevin frazier

    No oil in tank?

    does your oil tank stay full after sitting?
  19. mr hunt

    Oil tank leak

    After repeatedly refitting the oil tank assuming the o-rings weren't seating properly and causing a constant leak from under the tank I noticed that oil was bubbling up around the head of the rear bolt. Removed tank again and.... Neither tank valve is leaking and the seals are fine. Tank and...
  20. Ishrub

    T100 carb '8-Ball' custom tank covers.

    GBP250 on eBay